Entries by Alex Musyoka

5 Immunization Challenges Encountered Among Children

Immunization is the delivery of an antigen package to influence a particular immune response to a pathogen of similar nature. Before the age of 18, a person is supposed to receive a range of bacterial and viral immunization packages. Popular vaccinations include Influenza vaccine which is delivered annually in children and adults; Diphtheria, Tetanus, and […]

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How to Prevent Malnutrition among Children

Malnutrition has overly been classified as an ecologically-induced condition, whereby the patients suffer as a result of famine and related food availability challenges. However, much interest is overlooked in malnutrition among children due to medical reasons, whereby prevailing physiological conditions within the child, or poor feeding practices deprive the child of important nutrients for proper […]

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Ways of Ending Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is over time growing into a global concern. The overweight pandemic is arguably more prevalent in developed countries than others, with countries like the USA bearing the brunt of an obese childhood population. Put in context, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) records that over 14 million children between the ages of 2-19 […]

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Ethical Issues in Euthanasia – See 10 Types of Euthanasia

Fictitious Euthanasia Scenario: July 7th was Joan’s duty day in the Maryland Hospital oncological unit. A fateful evening it was, as there were so many appointments for radiotherapy during the day and some had to be extended to the night. The logging, preparation of documents, not to mention the handling of patients in different cancer […]

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Impacts of Privatization on Economic Growth

Privatization takes us deep into the public finance realm, where several aspects are put into consideration, aside from the primary aim of making profit.  Definition of Privatization Privatization has everything to do with the transfer of government and otherwise publicly held assets into ownership by private entities, whether a single individual, a group of shareholders, […]

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3 Branches of Finance: Personal, Corporate, and Public Finance

These three are the types of finance. Considering the different financial sizes of the three, they can also be referred to as the levels of finance; from a personal level to a corporate, and then public level. But what about finance? Finance as a term has varied definitions, but most center around the management of […]

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Effects of Income Changes on Consumer Choices

Income changes are known to impact generally the amount and net value for goods purchased. However, when it comes to consumer patterns, there is more to it, considering the different types of goods in the eyes of consumers. This article will heavily rely on microeconomics concepts namely the income effect, marginal and total utility, price […]

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Income Inequality: Causes, Impacts, and How to Measure

Income inequality amplifies the greater social inequality present in our social framework. It refers to the disparity in the incomes of different people, cultures, and societies based on different demographics. Income inequality only considers earnings in the form of salary, wages, rent, profit, interest, yields, and so many other returns from the sale of one’s […]

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Cashless Economy: Positive and Negative Impacts of Demonetization on SMES

Demonetization and cashless economy are often put together, with the former used to mean a general reduction in physical legal tender. The original concept of demonetization, however, entails the eradication of particular denominations, usually the larger denominations, with an aim of curbing crime and fraud among other reasons. Reasons for Demonetization Demonetization eventually breeds a […]

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Deflation: Causes, Advantages and Disadvantages

A lot is said of the dire effects of inflation on price commodities etcetera, but little is said on the commensurate irreversible consequences of a sharp plummet in the price of these commodities. First of all, deflation is an indicator of economic failure, and is historically associated with economic catastrophes such as the Great Depression […]

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