Best Essay Topics and Ideas

Best Essay Topics and Ideas to Help You Get Started

Best Essay Topics and Ideas

As a student, essay writing topics will be a part of your day-to-day operations in high school or college. Therefore, you will be required to come up with topics for an essay and ideas for your paper from time to time. At first, you may be able to come up with topics for an essay quickly, but as you progress, this task becomes difficult and tedious.

To be clear, you need to know that there is no correct answer when choosing topics for an essay or idea. But as you grow in experience, it will be apparent that some cases are better used in different categories. It’s no longer about passion but what’s best or what best describes your love in a given essay topic.

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In this article, we seek to help you have an easy time picking or brainstorming topics for essay writing. As you research the topics for essay to write about, you have to ensure that they are excellent and engaging things to write about for an essay. You don’t want your reader to be turned off by the title of your essay.

types of essay categories
types of essay categories

Types Of Essay Categories

Depending on the course you are taking, you are likely to come up with essay topics to write about in any of the following categories:

  1. Descriptive essays
  2. Narrative essays
  3. Research analysis essay
  4. Comparison and contrast essays
  5. Cause and effect essays
  6. Argument and persuasion essays
  7. Funny argumentative essay topics
  8. Definition essays
  9. Informative Essay Topics
  10. Expository essay topics
  11. Personal essay topics
  12. Process essay topics

All the above essay categories have exciting essay topics you can write about. Let us have a look.

1. Descriptive Essay Topics

Unlike narrative essays, descriptive essay topics pay more attention to detail with fewer actions. When writing a descriptive essay, you must convey an emotion or place. All topics n the descriptive category should explain your experiences and things that you have a vivid memory of. Examples of descriptive essay topics are;

  • Describe a literary character you admire.
  • The individual who motivates you
  • Your earliest recollection
  • Discuss and describe one of your buddies.
  • The most breathtaking scenery you’ve ever witnessed
  • Describe a place that you always imagine.
  • What’s your favorite sport and your experience at a live game?
  • Talk about describing yourself to someone you’ve never met before.
  • Discuss your favorite memories.
  • The most memorable school day
  • which birthday is most memorable 
  • Describe what you felt the first time you fell in love.
  • Discuss the most embarrassing circumstance you have been in, the most wonderful city you have visited, and your childhood home.
  • Discuss an object that means a lot to you.
  • Favorite Athlete of My Neighbor
  • A fictional character from a book, film, or television show
  • The First Day of College
  • A Happy (or Sad) Day in Life
  • High School Farewell
  • Skydiving Experience Baking a Pizza
  • The most recent nightmare you experienced
  • What was your strangest vacation?
  • Describe your favorite museum.
  • The most joyous day of your life

2. Narrative Essay Topics

The importance of a narrative essay is to share a personal experience through narrating a tale—the strength and excitement of the theme influence this creative kind of writing. Giving details is important in a narrative essay because it constructs a picture for the reader with your own words. Choosing a story, you remember well and can recall even the slightest details is preferable.

You may be writing about a story that is not your own, but still, you are required to imagine yourself as the actual writer. The article themes for students provided here have been carefully selected to assist students in performing well in their essays.

Here are some excellent essay ideas suggestions:

  • The incident taught me that appearances could be deceiving.
  • A week apart from the Internet and technology.
  • our most treasured childhood memory
  • Most recent travel adventures
  • The loss of a pet that impacted your life The death of a friend or relative who inspired you
  • How you met your best friend
  • It’s your first flight.
  • The first book you read is Your darkest memory, Your greatest dread
  • Your first love’s influence on your life.
  • How much did your instructors influence you to become the person you are today?
  • An encounter that taught you that your parents weren’t always correct.
  • Your family’s customs
  • A memorable summer camp story
  • This is your first-time driving.
  • The most humiliating circumstance you’ve ever been in
  • How do you unwind over the weekend?
  • On the first day of school or college
  • Your first day on the job
  • Your last day at work
  • A humiliating experience
  • A dangerous experience
  • Surviving a tornado or hurricane (or another natural disaster)
  • The day you chose to make a difference in your life
  • What you enjoy about school
  • The most amusing story about you and your brother
  • When you were in an accident
  • Someone who motivates you
  • How did you overcome any fears?
  • What is your biggest regret?
  • You will never forget this gesture of charity.


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3. Research Analysis Essay ideas

When it comes to writing a research paper, ensure that the essay ideas you choose is broad enough to produce a comprehensive essay. A research paper is purely based on the works of academicians and scientists. After you write about others, you can give your opinion on the matter. You can disagree with the scholars’ views. Without further ado, here are the best essay topics.

  • How are Animal rights in modern society violated
  • Worldwide legal drinking ages
  • What does patriotism signify in different cultures?
  • Sexual harassment on the job
  • The repercussions of doctor negligence
  • What should be done about hate crimes?
  • The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Shopping
  • The segregation of society by intelligence testing
  • Academic integrity and plagiarism
  • Alternative energy sources
  • Ocean pollution and its prevention
  • Pesticides and their effects on us
  • Is population control a viable answer to global warming?
  • Children’s reactions to violent cartoons
  • Should colleges make concessions for disabled students?
  • Events and experiences, I believe, are contributing to the rise in terrorism.
  • Does children’s education suffer as a result of technology and gadgets?
  • Do preschool-age children perform better in school?
  • Universities are becoming more business-oriented.
  • Conservation of endangered species
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • discuss the high rates of divorce in young couples
  • How important are family values? The importance of family values in a person’s life
  • Traditional medicine vs. alternative medicine
  • Sleep is essential for living a healthy existence.
  • The study of stem cells
  • Teenagers’ Body Positivity

4. Comparison and Contrast Essays

Compare and contrast essay topics should help you evaluate and analyze the similarities and differences between two subjects. Your writing should help your readers form an opinion after reading the advantages and disadvantages you have presented before them.

Here are some of the best essay ideas for a comparison and contrast essay;

  • The effects of coffee vs. tea on your brain performance when studying
  • how does Communism compare and contrast with Capitalism
  • why were the north and south divided during the American civil war? 
  • The anatomical distinctions between humans and monkeys
  • which is best working from home vs. working at an office
  • Which is better: a movie or a book?
  • Differences and similarities between British and American English
  • People’s physical versus moral needs
  • Game of Thrones vs. Lord of the Rings
  • Comedies vs. horror films
  • Veganism vs. Carnivorism
  • Biking to school versus driving to school
  • Korean culture vs. Japanese culture
  • The similarities and differences between Greek and Roman mythology
  • The educational systems in the United States and the United Kingdom
  • Traditional shopping vs. online shopping
  • Smaller classes vs. larger classes
  • Living at home vs. living on campus
  • Physical books vs. electronic book readers
  • Online dating vs. in-person interactions

5. Cause and Effect Essays 

Essays on cause and effect illustrate how one thing influences another. The cause-and-effect method is relatively prevalent and is utilized to compose essays at high school and college levels. This type of essay structure allows pupils to explain how subjects are related. This sort of essay is also known as “reason and result.” Here are essay topics examples

  • How optimism affects your immune system
  • What are the major causes of depression in teenagers
  • Cycling instead of driving enhances your health and reduces your environmental effect.
  • Does social media help people enhance their communication skills?
  • What are the causes of depression in teenagers?
  • Are college graduates more successful? Climate change and the extinction of species
  • The origins of panic attacks
  • Bulimia and its consequences
  • Portion restriction and healthy weight reduction
  • A happy marriage requires open communication.
  • Effects of technological devices on child development
  • Peer engagement at school improves social skills.
  • GMOs and their impact on human genes
  • Consumption of organic products lowers health hazards.
  • Cultural differences generate difficulties in the immigration transition.
  • The right to free expression can be misused.
  • Cheating in school has long-term consequences for a person’s psyche.
  • Consumerism pollutes the environment.
  • Distrust and long-distance relationships
  • Exercise can help reduce childhood obesity.

6. Argument and Persuasion Essays

Argumentative essays typically give arguments for and against a specific issue. Discussions can be balanced on both sides of a subject, or they can broadly support one of the sides, depending on the author’s intentions and personal ideas. The following are some excellent essay topics:

  • Do people abuse their freedom to keep and bear arms?
  • Is there a racial component to police brutality?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Is it truly beneficial to compete?
  • Do blogging jobs have a future?
  • Will it ever be possible to live without the Internet?
  • Should everyone volunteer and give to charity?
  • Is the press invading celebrities’ privacy?
  • Should animal testing be permitted?
  • How significant Is consumerism a significant problem for the world?
  • Is social media invading our privacy?
  • Is vaccination necessary for everyone?
  • Do food corporations have sway over our eating habits?
  • Is our educational system appropriate for our society?
  • What languages, and why should they be made official in the United States?
  • Is the death penalty ever justified?
  • Should abortion be prohibited?
  • Is our tax system fair to everyone?
  • Is vaping as dangerous as cigarette smoking?
  • Monarchy, pros, and cons

7. Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

  • A more efficient method of accomplishing tasks.
  • What exactly is organic food?
  • Things that men do that women despise.
  • How do you irritate a friend?
  • Why do women act as if they enjoy sports?
  • Things that are preventing you from finishing your schoolwork on time.
  • We witness some strange things at weddings.
  • What makes spam emails more appealing?
  • What makes Starbucks coffee so good?
  • Why are backbenchers more intelligent than other students?
  • Clowns are more frightening than amusing.
  • Should we keep our social distance even after Covid-19?
  • Why is watching movies preferable to reading books?
  • Do you need some hilarious argumentative essay themes for your paper?
  • If so, select a topic from the list below.
  • Why do people enjoy watching amusing videos?
  • What your cat truly believes.
  • Why should spam emails be your favorite type of email?
  • Why wearing braces is enjoyable.
  • School dropouts are the most successful people in our culture.
  • Reasons Why I don’t like country music.
  • Date variations.

8. Definition of Essays Topics

The purpose of a definition essay is to define a term. The majority of these writings deal with abstract notions. These terms do not have defined definitions and may vary depending on culture or personality. Here are some definition essay topics.

  • How do you define success
  • What is the significance of kindness?
  • What is optimism, and how does it help one’s life?
  • Procrastination and its consequences
  • Define Buddhism and its place in world religions.
  • What is happiness?
  • Define peer pressure and how does it affect adolescents?
  • In cultural terms, define surrealism.
  • What does power mean to you?
  • Define willpower and how to apply it on a regular basis.
  • What precisely is global warming, and why is it happening?
  • Cloning and its consequences for humanity
  • The importance of creativity in life Explain what giving is and how it benefits others.
  • In your life, define friendship.
  • The Benefits and Drawbacks of Perfectionism
  • Marriage as an institution explained
  • how would you define terrorism, and what causes it?

9. Informative Essay Topics

Informative essay topics are similar to research essays. The only difference is that when writing an informative article, you present the facts that educate your readers on the subject matter. You should not voice your opinion when writing on informative essay topics. Informative essay topics can be classified depending on your stage of academics. Remember this when you are working on an informative essay;

  1. That you thoroughly understand your assignment
  2. You pick topics that you are passionate about
  3. Put into consideration the audience you are writing for
  4. Ensure that the essay topic is not too broad like one for the research paper
  5. That the topic has interesting information available
  6. That the topic you choose has reputable sources with knowledge of it

Here are some of the best informative essay topics:

  • Easy, informative essay topics
  • What are the most recent video game industry trends?
  • Who and why is your role model?
  • What exactly does the term “ambivert” mean?
  • Create a guide on how to make a Tik-Tok video that goes viral.
  • What was your first-time experience traveling overseas like?
  • What’s the connection between calories and fat?
  • How do online businesses make money?
  • What are the physics of a bicycle?
  • What are some of the possible construction methods for the pyramids?
  • What will the James Webb Telescope reveal about the cosmos?
  • Simple Steps on how to make the best meal out of leftovers.
  • How can you profit from NFTs?
  • Which are your top three holiday spots that you would suggest to others?
  • What are the advantages of attending college?
  • What were the roots of science fiction?
  • What effect do reality television shows have on teenagers?
  • What are the finest television shows to binge on in 2022?

Informative Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Every youngster should have tasks around the house.
  • Summer classes should not be held.
  • Should students continue their studies throughout their summer vacation?
  • Parents should be keen on how much time their children spend watching television.
  • Favorite family summer vacation location.
  • Every school should make sports mandatory.
  • We should avoid Processed meals should be avoided in both private and public-school lunches.
  • Do students still conduct research in newspapers?
  • Describe your favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe superhero.
  • Why are field excursions such an effective way to learn about a subject?
  • Is there any advantage to online learning?
  • Describe your favorite historical period.
  • What was your most dreadful travel experience?
  • Describe your favorite world leader’s life.
  • What is the origin of your favorite sport?
  • Why is the beach the finest holiday destination?
  • What makes a crocodile different from an alligator?
  • Every person should devote a year to community service.
  • The weekend should last three days.
  • How does optimism aid in personal development?
  • Procrastination causes and effects
  • Christianity vs. Islam
  • The importance of money
  • The importance of health.
  • Are summer schools beneficial?
  • Peer pressure influences decision-making.
  • Why should kids be encouraged to engage in physical activities?

Informative Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Why are cybersports now classified as sports?
  • How does regular exercise affect the body?
  • Describe the life of priests from another faith.
  • What was your most recent concert experience?
  • The decision to join the military forces should be made individually.
  • Music can help you operate more efficiently.
  • Being truthful has more disadvantages than advantages.
  • People who have been in an accident place higher importance on life than others.
  • Embarrassing experiences might enhance your confidence.
  • The most valuable personal quality is kindness.
  • Your life can be improved by being spontaneous.
  • Can one’s hobbies assist in enriching one’s life?
  • Dressing appropriately for the workplace boosts productivity.
  • Being organized can benefit both school and the workplace.
  • How does the economics of one country affect the economy of another?
  • What impact will nanotechnology have on fashion and the garment industry?
  • What exactly is the distinction between socialism and Communism?
  • Three Ways to protect your personal information online.
  • What processes are involved in monetizing social media?

Informative Essay Topics for College Students

  • The traditional class system cannot be replaced with virtual classes.
  • Online lessons have both advantages and cons.
  • Is there a need for college education reform?
  • Assault weapons should be prohibited.
  • Guns should not be sold to anyone with a mental illness history.
  • The global taxation system needs to be reformed.
  • In advertising, children should not be the target audience.
  • Every meal should include several calories.
  • Feminists have significantly enhanced women’s labor-force participation.
  • Is the death penalty legal?
  • How do you spot fake news?
  • How can I live a healthy life?
  • How may PTSD be treated naturally?
  • What are some of the most effective stress-reduction techniques?
  • What are the drawbacks to legalizing marijuana?
  • What is Veganism’s history in different countries and civilizations?
  • How does advertising use psychology to sway prospective customers?
  • What is the procedure for forming your own business?
  • How do new art movements emerge?
  • Scientists are using ways in linguistics tests to track the migration of ancient humans.
  • What did Charles Darwin discover while visiting the Galapagos Islands?
  • What is the distinction between your first and second years in college?
  • Describe a foreign country’s political system.
  • Should people be assessed solely based on their appearance?
  • How does technology affect people’s work performance?
  • Private vs. public education
  • How do you decide on a major in high school?
  • The social impact of legalizing narcotics
  • The importance of learning social values
personal essay topics
personal essay topics


10. Expository Essay Topics

An expository essay intends to carry out an analysis of a given topic base on research and facts. You are required to provide explanations of exactly how things took place and describe the process. What sets this essay type apart is that the point in question here is a process of analysis and not simply based on research.

Here are some of the expository essay topics:

  • Why is it vital to graduate from high school?
  • What most youngsters are concerned about is How to open a credit card and what to look out for
  • Student loans: advantages and disadvantages
  • Why is it stressful to move to the United States?
  • Why are certain things more enjoyable than others?
  • How music can have an impact on society
  • How to Recognize a Group Leader
  • Why are most parents overprotective and overly strict?
  • The psychological factors that contribute to smoking
  • How alcohol affects the capacity to operate machinery
  • Why do teenagers join gangs, and what are the risks?
  • what are the main challenges of becoming pregnant at the age of sixteen
  • Why is it important to be empathetic to others?
  • How to Overcome Public Speaking Fear
  • How physical activity boosts general well-being
  • The significance of sex protection
  • The Consequences of Drug Use
  • How class absences might affect your college career
  • Explain why you admire a specific person.
  • Explain why a person you know should be considered a leader.
  • Explain why parents can be so strict at times.
  • Explain why you like a specific teacher so much.

11. Process Essay Topics

Process essays are used to explain how things are done. You start by explaining the subject first before stating step by step how the process happens. Ensure that your steps are precise and gradual to enable your readers to understand. But also, it can be an explanation of several techniques that don’t necessarily follow each other. Whichever the case, ensure that your reader follows you and understands what you are talking about.

Here are some of the essay topics that you can write about in process essays;

  • Driving Instructions
  • How to Begin Learning to Swim
  • How to Create Your Film
  • How to Learn to Cook Delectable Healthy Meals
  • How to Get an A in School
  • How to Achieve SAT Success
  • How to Overcome Procrastination
  • How to Succeed in a Job Search
  • How to Publish Your Book
  • How to Overcome Shyness
  • How to Meet New People
  • How to Tell If You’ve Met Your Alter Self
  • How to Conserve Money
  • How to Break a Bad Habit
  • How to Exercise Consistently
  • How to Launch Your Own Company
  • How to Buy a Used Car
  • How to Meet New People
  • How to Teach Yourself to Say “No” to People
  • How to Get Rid of Unnecessary Items

12. Personal Essay Topics

These topics are mainly concerning people like they are autobiographical stories with a more friendly and personal touch. A conversational; tone is the most appropriate in this case, and you should also ensure that the emotions you have experienced as a result of the events that happened to you are well communicated.

Here are some of the personal essay topics that may be of interest to you;

  • How did you overcome your greatest fear?
  • You were brave at one point.
  • When you felt utterly alone
  • describe a place near and dear to your heart
  • What is your favorite season?
  • Your drive for success
  • Someone unique in your life
  • What has been your biggest disappointment?
  • The happiest moment of your life
  • Wishes on your bucket list when was the last time you lost a tournament?
  • Someone you’ve met who has inspired you
  • The most generous thing you’ve ever done
  • A destination you’d like to visit

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If you need help brainstorming for essay topics in whatever category, contact us at Protector services. We will help you with not only coming up with the best topics for your paper. We will also help with writing it so you can concentrate on the other essential parts of your course.

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