how to write a reflection paper complete guide

Complete Guide on how to write a reflection paper

Whether you are a university or a college student, you will be required to write a reflection paper at one point in one way or another. Writing a reflection paper applies to all students in higher levels of learning, no matter the institution that one learning is in. Whether local or international, writing a reflection paper is a must. When a student is writing a reflection paper, they are awarded a chance to air out their thoughts. In academic paper writing, this kind of freedom is not commonly given to students due to the strict rules that are to be followed when one is doing academic writing. But when it comes to reflection writing, students are given the freedom to write their thoughts out.

A reflection paper is one amongst the few papers that will often give college students a chance to speak their minds. A reflection paper encourages students to take a look at things from a personal perspective and thus share one’s personal views. Writing a reflection paper is something that not only makes the studying process fun but also encourages most of the learners on self-recognition and personal understanding thus boosting leaners confidence. Now that we have familiarized ourselves with a reflection paper, let’s now look at how to effectively write a good reflection paper.

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What is a reflection paper?

Instead of just giving facts, reflection paper writing is a chance for a writer to express their personal thoughts. When writing a reflection paper, one is required to write their personal thoughts on the main topic to be discussed. A reflection paper can be categorized under the following categories: personal reflection paper, professional reflection paper, and educational reflection paper. In each of the different categories of reflection papers, each category has a slightly different tone:

  • In educational reflection paper here, the students gives responses to some books that they have been instructed by the professor.
  • In a professional reflection paper, here the main aim is to focus on one’s personal behavior.
  • The personal reflection paper, in this category of reflection papers, is supposed to express personal feelings and thoughts.

Below are more categories of reflection papers and the steps to take when writing each one of them.

Critical reflection paper

When one is writing a reflection paper, a critical reflection paper tends to be one of the most difficult reflection paper to create. When writing a critical reflection paper, this tends to be culmination of the studying process. A critical reflection paper tends to influence improving of the critical thinking skills that impact one’s ability to analyze, questions, and evaluate the questions provided, thus applying the experiences on a personal level and giving a correct interpretation to the matter at hand:

Steps to take in writing a critical reflection essay:

  • Describe an experience – where you are to give the description of an event.
  • Examine the experience – here. You are to use the academic context and the personal context.
  • Provide an analysis of the experiences in a detailed manner.
  • Here you need to clear out the air on how in the future, the analyzed subject is going to be useful.
  • Here give your thoughts on how others that are reading are supposed to feel about the essay.

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Book reflection paper

The first step is to tell the target audience some brief information about the author of the book.

  • Give a small spoiler and a brief summary of the book
  • Give your focus on the main character
  • Give some of the points that the author touches on in the book
  • Give explanations on the influence of the book and some of the book allusions
  • Share your impression of the book, thus reacting to the context in the book

Course reflection paper

The first thing to write is the name of the course and the description of the course.

  • Give the materials discussed in summary form
  • Give the instructions and the flow of the course
  • Give the reasons why you decided to pick the course
  • Give the main thing (theories and concepts) that are learned in this course
  • From a personal level, interpret the theories mentioned above
  • Through the use of real-life examples, express your opinion
  • Your course relevance, do an evaluation on it
  • Project reflection paper

You use the same structure that we used in the course reflection paper. You can apply the same.

You can add the pros and cons of the project and give changes

Estimate the difficulty of applying the project and the relevance of the project in our daily lives

  • Interview reflection paper
  • In the introduction, give a speech the introduction
  • At the start, give an introduction to the person
  • Give a discussion on the viewpoints that are notable
  • The controversies, focus on them

On a personal level, express the things that you do not like about the author

Reflection paper outline

Below is a reflection paper outline visual guide that will help you have a better understanding of the structure of a reflection paper.

Book reflection paper

When writing a reflection paper, there are usually two different approaches. A traditional approach and an original approach.

  1. The reflection paper’s thesis statement express the main ideas. By giving arguments that are supportive of the main topic, develop the paragraphs of the reflection paper. And also, give support to the thesis statement one more time and conclude the facts.
  2. Hint on the conclusion by starting on the main topics of conversation. Give thoughts on where the subject is going to lead and leave some room for some doubts. Give the body’s analysis and then create a collusion that is different from the beginning’s expectations. The conclusion may be entirely different or maybe a little bit different.

Let us now move to the outline

The introduction

When writing a reflection paper, one of the most important elements is expressing the subject. When you are expressing the subject, one thing that you should note is that you aren’t supposed to be too emotional. You are not supposed to express your thought in a sentimental way but in a reasonable manner. At this point of the reflection paper, you are supposed to tell the readers what they can expect in the reflection paper, thus giving them and slight pick of the essay. In order to grab the attention of the reader, summarize the central claim and build up the idea.

Elements that a reflection paper’s introduction should meet:

  • The introduction of a reflection paper is supposed to be brief and catchy
  • Ask the reflection question in the text
  • The introduction of a reflection paper is supposed to have a good thesis statement


This is the part of a reflection paper that you are required to explore on the thesis statement. This section of your reflection paper is supposed to be explained in a number of paragraphs, each having a different point to explore in paragraph.

Ensure there is a smooth transition from one paragraph to the next. You can use transitional words to enforce this smooth transition. Get a list of transitional words from

In the body of the reflection paper:

  • You can start with good reasons as to why you choose the paragraphs
  • Explain the nuances properly
  • Be logical

As you are writing the body of your reflection essay, put into use the quotes and examples.

Show the reflection paper’s reader on how the subject has caused an impact on you on a personal level.

The conclusion of a reflection paper

When writing a conclusion of a reflection paper, make sure that the conclusion is striking and solid. This is usually the last section of your reflection paper that shows that your ideas have been fully formed. In this section, place strong accents and wrap up your reflection paper. If you want to get more information on how to write an effective conclusion, visit

In the reflection paper’s conclusion,

  • Highlight the main points
  • Create a conclusion that is effective and persuasive
  • Answer the questions that you asked in the introduction

15 reflection paper topics

Below are some of the reflection paper topics:

  1. How to deal with stress
  2. The things that inspire you
  3. How to admit that personally, one is wrong
  4. In the world, what is your favorite place
  5. In the whole space, are we alone
  6. When you are telling lies, what do you feel
  7. Your life’s biggest challenge
  8. One the best place in the world that you have visited?
  9. Which is your favorite country
  10. Top ten qualities that people must have
  11. What is your biggest fear
  12. In 100 years, how will technology affect the humans
  13. How decision-making is impacted by social media
  14. The role of famous people in the society
  15. That one thing that changes your life

Above are just but a few examples of reflection paper topics. Visit professional writers for a more comprehensive list of reflection paper topics.

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How To Write a Narrative Essay a complete guide.

There are various types of essays. Some are more compelling than others, while others are more descriptive. In this manual, the narrative essay is the main topic. This kind of work specifically uses narration or storytelling to tell a story.

We’ll go into more detail about what this kind of essay entails. Additionally, we’ll demonstrate how to construct a narrative essay so you feel more comfortable writing your own. Additionally, our guide covers the numerous kinds of essays you can write as well as the narrative format.

What is a Narrative Essay?

We should examine the definition of narrative writing before defining what is a narrative essay. This is a style of writing whose objective is to provide the reader with a narrative. It has people, places, and a plot that is resolved in the end. Everything is made up if it’s fiction. A good illustration of fictional narrative writing is seen in novels. If the literature is factual, on the other hand, everything is based on true events.

You must almost always write factual content while writing narrative essays for academic purposes. Therefore, the majority of your work should consist of a factual story whose specifics can be supported by facts.

If you’re unsure of how to write a narrative, try imagining yourself narrating a story to a friend. There is a start, middle, and end to it. The beginning establishes the scene, and the finale brings everything together. The most significant portions of the story are in the center; you can make it as short or as long as you choose. No matter how long your narrative prose is, remember that it should flow well because you’re telling a story.

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Key distinctions between the short story and the narrative essay

The short tale and this kind of essay both have similarities and distinctions. Understanding the two’s structural differences can help you ensure that your own work follows the guidelines.

You must rely on facts when writing a narrative essay for a college or university examination. The reader should receive a concise synopsis of what transpired from your writing. Additionally, if there is a word limit, you must adhere to it as well as the basic narrative essay format required by the markers. The thesis statement in the introduction should summarize the main point of your paper.

As with the short narrative, everything that occurs is made up and is the result of the author’s imagination. It doesn’t call for a thesis statement and has a far more flexible framework than a narrative essay. You can approach one in any way you see fit, and the content is all up to you.

Goal of a Narrative Essay

If you’re unsure of how to begin a narrative essay, consider why you want to share this particular tale with others and what you hope to accomplish by doing so. Regardless of the genre, when someone writes a narrative, they want it to have an impact on the readers and elicit a specific response from them. For instance, if someone writes a horror fiction, their goal is to frighten and fear the audience.

You should aim to keep your audience interested in your story. The more carefully someone reads your writing, the more probable it is that they will comprehend it and respond to it. You must write the story in the most effective and compelling manner feasible. Using the appropriate terminology, having a clear structure, and making sure your writing is clear are all necessary for this.

How Do You Write a Strong Narrative Essay?

A strong narrative essay should grab the attention of the audience, convey a memorable story, and come to a clear conclusion. It contains all the typical components of a story yet isn’t as lengthy as one. Additionally, it should express your opinion of the narrative and your feelings toward it.

The format and organization of the narrative essay are also quite important. These help your work look professional and be readable.

What Makes a Good Narrative Essay?

This kind of essay is composed of a number of important parts, or sections. Characters, discourse, and theme are a few of these.

• Characters have a crucial role in narrative essays because they are the foundation of every story. They interact with one another in addition to moving the plot along. Every single one of them has a personality and a history, and occasionally one or both of these factors will have a direct impact on the plot.

• The story portion almost often includes some talking. This depicts the exchanges between characters and any possible thoughts they may have.

• The story’s central concept or message is known as the theme. It’s a notion that a story’s storyline, environment, and characters may all be used to convey to the reader. The theme should be mentioned in the thesis statement, along with a brief description of what it is.

Common Narrative Essay Formats

The narrative essay comes in a variety of forms. Your work must be factual for the majority of assignments in college and university. Your work will be fictional for some classes, like creative writing. Below are a few of the most prevalent types:

• Factual. You are retelling genuine events for other people when you write a factual (or nonfiction) narrative essay. You will examine evidence from one or more sources in order to piece the scenario together.

• Fictional. You can use your imagination and create any kind of story for fictional narrative essays. Given that it is an academic assignment, it still needs to serve a useful function.

• Autobiographical. You must recount a personal experience for an autobiographical essay. This is a factual academic essay in which you share a personal experience with the reader. You’ll write in the first person, but you are free to add your own views and opinions if you choose.

How to Write a Narrative Essay

To create ideas for a narrative and incorporate them into your essay, follow these steps:

1. Select a topic.

Choosing the topic for your narrative essay is the first stage. Pick a subject that will allow you to tell a tale that reflects favorably on you as a candidate or student. For instance, if a scholarship committee gives you the option to select your own topic, you can opt for a subject that will allow you to showcase your academic success or dedication to volunteer work. Consider the topics that might interest your audience when crafting an interesting story. To stay inside the confines of the assignment’s length requirements, think about limiting your topic.

You might also be given a topic by your instructor, so think about which of your personal experiences best fits the prompt. For instance, if the instructions say to write about a time when you learnt something new, you can think back to a specific occasion that had the largest influence on you and had enough information to fill five paragraphs.

2. Draw up a plan

The second stage is to draft an outline that will guide your story-telling. Determine your topic, then devote a paragraph to outlining the main ideas. Given that the narrative essay has numerous paragraphs, the outline can help you expound on your structure and complete the paper. If you’re remembering a period when you conquered a hurdle, for instance, your outline might tell you to give background information in the second paragraph, describe your tenacity in the third and fourth paragraphs, and discuss the importance of what you learned in the conclusion.

3. Use first-person narration

Given that a narrative essay is about you, it may be imperative for you to write from your point of view. Use the first-person perspective, which includes “I,” “me,” and “we” pronouns. Consider how you would explain the situation to someone in a face-to-face talk about the subject. As a result of the reader’s ability to identify with your experiences, your story will have a stronger impact and will be more striking. In order to provide more context and make the reader feel as though they are experiencing the story with you, think about including your inner thoughts and emotions.

4. Employ inventive wording

Your narrative essay’s writing can be made more intriguing by the way you narrate the story. Don’t repeat the same words too much. Instead, look up synonyms in a thesaurus to better draw the reader’s attention to your ideas. You may use “perplexing” or “bewildering” in place of the word “confusing,” for instance. Simple language might make your writing easier to read. Find a balance between stating your thoughts succinctly and being creative enough for readers to picture what you are saying.

5. Proofread your work for errors

Making sure your narrative essay is error-free is the last stage. Think about taking a break and coming back to the paper later. This can make you more attentive and help you see errors you would have missed otherwise. On your computer, you can utilize proofreading programs to find and fix grammatical and spelling errors. Additionally, they could suggest word changes to make your article clear and simple to read. Make sure your paragraphs are no more than five sentences, and think about asking a mentor to review the draft of your essay for you.

Types of Narrative Writing

Try to choose the kind of writing you’ll be employing while considering how to start a narrative essay for college. Consider the types listed below:

1. Linear. When writing in a linear fashion, you’ll recount the story’s incidents in the chronological order they occurred. The following occurrence will flow from the one that came before it.

2. Non-linear. If you use a non-linear strategy, you’ll narrate the story’s events out of order. This could involve flashes in the past or future.

3. Quest. Some stories consist of a series of events and characters responding to them. Others are more akin to a quest, where the pursuit of a certain objective serves as the person’s sole motivation.

4. Viewpoint. A protagonist who uses a viewpoint style of narration tells the story from their own point of view. It is not just about the plot, but also about the narrator’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

5. Descriptive. You should employ vivid details throughout and be quite descriptive while writing this kind of narrative. The environment of the story and the characters’ appearances should be clear to the reader.

No matter what style of narrative writing you use, your story must make sense. Clear and logical connections between the paragraphs are required. The reader should be able to tell that the events are out of sequence if you use a non-linear style.

If you’re having trouble writing a narrative paragraph, keep in mind that it needs to be brief. Additionally, it must to relate to both the previous and following ones. There shouldn’t be any text blocks in your work that stick out or are distinct from the rest of the material. There should be connections between paragraphs for your essay to flow smoothly.

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How long should a narrative essay be?

There is no predetermined length for narrative essays. Depending on who is assigning the work and which organization is running the course, a different word count may be necessary. Some story essays are only 500 words long, while others may be several hundred words longer. Your story essay rules may occasionally stipulate that you need at least 1,000 words.

If a word count is specified, such as 500–600 words, you must definitely adhere to it. If there is no time limit, the length of your job is entirely up to you. At least a few hundred words should be included in a good narrative essay. It should have three or more body paragraphs and a distinct introduction and conclusion.

Your task should be concise and direct, regardless of how long it is. A narrative essay should summarize the main ideas of a story without necessarily going into great detail. You should only highlight the most significant individuals, places, and events. Don’t be afraid to use some descriptive language, but don’t use it excessively.

Narrative Essay Writing Guideline

In this section, we’ll go over some of the most crucial tips for writing a successful narrative essay. If you adhere to them, you should find it much simpler to approach and complete your assignment. You should have a better understanding of how to create narrative essays if you follow our instructions.

How Should a Narrative Essay Begin?

You’ll first get a prompt from your teacher or tutor. When setting the task, your lecturer or instructor provides you with this instruction. As soon as you get this, you should begin collecting writing-related thoughts. If your essay doesn’t already have a title, think of one now. Also, think about how you’ll approach the story portion of your writing.

Consider how you would convey your narrative to a friend as you are creating it. Divide it into a series of related events that happen one after the other. You should strive to captivate the reader when writing it by employing descriptive language and including a ton of pertinent details. It’s important to keep readers engaged and avoid boring them when writing. They ought to be eager to keep reading to learn the story’s outcome.

How Do I Pick a Topic for My Essay?

Your writing prompt will determine the topic you’ll be writing about. There are two types of this: specified and open-ended.

You will be writing about a specific event or set of events if the topic is specific. If the assignment is open-ended, you can choose from a far wider range of topics and are not required to write on anything in particular.

There are countless story writing subjects to choose from. It’s simpler for you to decide what you’ll be writing about when you have a clear prompt. All you have to do is consider the prompt’s direction and provide the information it requests in the form of a tale.

Choosing a topic to write on when the prompt is open-ended might be challenging because there may be numerous options. Choose a topic that will be intriguing, engaging, and relevant to the reader.

How Should a Narrative Essay Be Formatted and structured?

A narrative essay follows a simple format. The introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion are the four essential sections.

• The overview of your essay is given to the reader in the introductory part. The essential ideas of your work are briefly summarized in the thesis statement.

• You tell your narrative in the body. You’ll describe the events of the story and advance the storyline after introducing your characters and environment. The majority of narrative essays have three body paragraphs or less.

•The story’s plot must come to an end in the denouement. You should also provide a statement on it, outlining its importance and any potential advantages.

It’s crucial that you adhere to the typical format of a narrative essay. You may present the story logically by doing this. Additionally, it makes your text simpler to read.

A narrative essay should be formatted professionally. The final product you turn in should resemble any other kind of academic essay. The font and size of the writing should be adequate. Indentation, spacing, and paragraph size should all be uniform in addition to this. Because academic submissions demand formatting that meets a specific standard, your narrative essay format is just as crucial as the content.

Depending on the institution or university you’re attending, you may employ a specific kind of narrative writing format. Some organizations will require all academic writing submissions to adhere to a specific formatting style.

Narrative Essay Outline

You will utilize an outline as a basic kind of plan as you write your essay. You should consider both the content of your work and how you intend to deliver it to the reader when putting one together. It’s a good idea to think about the vocabulary you’ll use, the length of your sentences and paragraphs, how frequently you’ll utilize speech, and other factors.

The opening should accomplish two goals: it should grab the reader’s interest and compel them to keep reading. Additionally, it should pique their interest in the subject of your essay and compel them to read what you have to say. Once you’ve written one, it’s a good idea to share it with people to see whether it inspires interest in your work.

The majority of your essay, or the body, is where you convey your story. The setting, at least one character introduction, and the fundamentals of the plot should all be covered in the opening paragraph. Everything you introduced earlier should be developed over the course of the following few paragraphs. Once the reader has finished reading the body of your essay, they need to be familiar with your characters and storyline.

The conclusion is crucial since it is where you wrap up and consider the story. This concluding paragraph should summarize all you’ve learned and how you hope the tale will influence other people. Additionally, it ought to include some reference to your thesis statement.

Narrative Essay Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is a succinct sentence that summarizes the topic of your essay and appears in the opening. It makes the reader aware of the paper’s main argument without giving away too much of the plot. A general guideline for structuring a narrative essay is to put the thesis statement at the conclusion of the introduction. This naturally transitions into the body of your paper.

Here are a few illustrations of strong thesis statements:

  • Love has altered my entire life and made me a new person
  • I have only one life and I will take advantage of every opportunity to be happy.

In any essay type, creating a strong thesis statement is essential. If yours reads well, it might encourage the reader to spend more time with your writing. If you’re having trouble coming up with a thesis statement, buy narrative essays online and check out some of our team’s examples. Reading other people’s writing will give you more insight into how to compose your own.

Personal Narrative Essay Topics

Your personal experience is the focus of a personal narrative essay. The reader must feel something after reading it. To achieve this, the mental image you are painting with words must be compelling and elicit strong feelings in the reader. To accomplish this, using a lot of details is a great idea. Some subjects for personal narratives include:

  1. A professor you’ll never forget
  2. A dangerous situation that happened to you
  3. A humorous incident that occurred to you
  4. a tale from your youth
  5. Your first overseas excursion
  6. a memory from your time in school
  7. A tale of a friend’s passing
  8. An account of mastering a new skill (like playing a musical instrument or surfing)
  9. a humiliating incident that occurred to you
  10. Describe a time when you engaged in an extracurricular activity, such as football or gymnastics.
  11. an occasion such as going to a sporting event or concert
  12. a tale of your generosity toward those in need
  13. An instance when you learned a secret
  14. Describe the family member with whom you have the strongest bonds.
  15. Describe a course you took that was motivational.
  16. A time when you were afraid and isolated
  17. A tale to tell when you’re lost
  18. when you helped someone in need
  19. The first time you prepared food on your own

Top 40 Narrative Essay Topics

In narrative essays, the author attempts to convey to the reader exactly what they have experienced. You must use words to paint a picture for your readers because you cannot physically show them one. Choose something that you can recall clearly because it’s crucial to give the reader all the information.

  1. The getaway you love taking with the family
  2. A journey you’ll always remember
  3. A time when you met people and had a unique friendship
  4. Your first day at a new school
  5. Share an experience that made you incredibly nervous.
  6. Your favorite Christmas ever
  7. The best birthday celebration you’ve ever attended
  8. A lesson you’ve learned in life
  9. Describe a time when someone who you least expected it offered you assistance
  10. Tragic circumstance in your life
  11. What happened when you first got a pet?
  12. Your relationship with your best friend
  13. Talk about helping someone in need while relating a story about something you lost.
  14. A narrative about how you handled a natural disaster
  15. When you were summoned to the dean’s office
  16. a summer camp experience;
  17. Your initial experience with bicycling
  18. A period when you felt down
  19. An instance when you and someone else got into a heated argument
  20. An instance when someone mistreated you;
  21. Your initial ski experience
  22. Assistance to a stranger
  23. A time when you encountered racism
  24. A time when you made a mistake and felt guilty
  25. The best beach day I can remember
  26. The best gift you’ve ever received
  27. A tale about how you were hurt
  28. The first time you drove
  29. Breaking up with someone
  30. Getting a relationship going
  31. Your first flight and the flying experience
  32. Approaching a stranger
  33. A travel tale
  34. A time you were disciplined
  35. A time when you learned someone’s true character
  36. Gaining life experience
  37. Getting into a car crash
  38. Your favorite hiking experience

Cultural Narrative Essay Topics

In cultural narrative essays, you can illustrate a cultural feature while still keeping the reader informed and entertained. Avoid addressing multiple facets of culture at once in the same story since culture is a very big and complex system. Cultural narratives are excellent conversation starters because they allow for questions about culture and an opportunity for people to express any prejudices they may have against a culture or particular aspects of it. Examples of cultural narrative essays are provided below:

  1. Distinctive family customs
  2. A custom that caught you off guard
  3. Which holiday is your favorite and how do you celebrate it in your culture?
  4. Why it’s crucial to understand your culture
  5. A time when you felt humiliated because you were ignorant of a particular facet of a group’s culture
  6. How culture varies depending on the situation
  7. Culture and media influence
  8. dietary customs in your family
  9. How a person is defined by culture
  10. Your cultural background

Argumentative Narrative Essay Topics

In a narrative argument essay, you use a story to analyze something that has interested you or had a significant impact on your life. Additionally, it must contain an argumentative or persuasive point derived from your story. Your narrative serves as both your argument and an illustration for the reader.

  1. A time when you and a friend disagreed
  2. a conflict you experienced in the past
  3. A time when you experienced bullying
  4. someone taking their own life
  5. the day you were high school graduate
  6. When someone was exposed as cheating
  7. a situation where you believed or knew your doctor was careless
  8. A car accident you were involved in
  9.  A humiliating experience
  10. a kind deed you performed
  11. an issue that you assisted a buddy with
  12. A time when someone was assaulted at school

Interesting Topics for Narrative Essays

Are you seeking a theme with a twist? Look nowhere else. Here are some interesting and fantastic narrative essay themes.

  1. A difficult choice was required of you.
  2. A person who had a lasting impact on your life
  3. When you accidentally flooded your neighbor’s apartment
  4. A day you wish you could go back to
  5. a period when you didn’t pass a class
  6. Your most terrifying experience
  7.  A time when you were seriously ill
  8. The instance in which you preserved life
  9. The time you entered a scary house
  10.  The occasion when you were awarded a prize
  11. initial employment
  12. when you experienced a flat tire
  13. the activities you engage in alone time
  14. When you first visited the emergency room
  15. Your initial interaction with the police

Childhood memories Narrative Essay Topics

Find a wild tale to tell by going back in time to your true and younger years. You can always make up a story if all you have is a setting or a concept. People will find your life fascinating if you can make it convincing! Describe a time in your childhood when teamwork really paid off.

  • Do you recall the days when great gatherings didn’t require alcohol? Think back to the wildest party you attended as a kid.
  • Write about your first time feeling pain, either physically or emotionally. How did you deal with it?
  • Kids frequently look up to role models who resemble superheroes (from Hollywood actors to rock band players). Your role model was, and why?
  • Write about a childhood dream you can recall.

Growing Up in High School Narrative Essay Topics

Everyone has some sort of nostalgia for their school days. It is a period of learning, growth, and development—or of skipping courses and hunting for trouble. Make a narrative essay out of anything interesting you did in high school.

  • While much of the school was monotonous, there were a few interesting classes. Concentrate on a subject you enjoyed in school.
  • Draw a picture of a humiliating experience, either your own or someone else’s. What did you learn from how people reacted?
  • You looked forward to your hobbies (football, guitar, gaming, and travel) after finishing your assignments. What did you do for fun after school?
  • Describe your high school best friend and the changes you both have undergone.
  • Write about your best academic performance.

Personal Narrative Essay Topics

Families are where relationships begin. As a person matures, their relationship with their family becomes more complex and includes friendships, love interests, professional connections, and much more. Examine the shortcomings and strengths of the people you have met.

  • People evolve; some families remain together while others break up. Write about an old acquaintance you’ve lost touch with and the circumstances surrounding it.
  • A person’s perspective of anything can be altered with a few words. Write about a discussion that altered your course in life.
  • Talk about a successful business partnership where you and your partner both achieved amazing things.
  • Dads can speak with moral authority and reason. Talk about the influences your father has had on you.
  • People’s social networks alter as they develop and relocate. Have you encountered this situation? Discuss the experience of meeting a brand-new group of individuals while exchanging experiences, creating friends, and establishing connections.

Moral and ethical conundrums Narrative Essay Topics

Laws maintain order in the world. But do they? Numerous difficult moral dilemmas are discussed by students from all around the world. When the moment comes, a person must decide whether to follow the law or their own set of moral principles. Because of these ideas, morality serves as an endless source of creative inspiration.

  • Talk about a time when you broke the law but still believed it was the correct thing to do.
  • Tell us about a cowardly deed you saw. Share your thoughts on why you believe it was cowardly and what you would have done in its place.
  • Examine the morals that educators, parents, law enforcement, and the government promote and consider whether or not they occasionally err. Give specifics regarding your rebellion against “the man in charge.”
  • Describe a situation when you were forced to act in a way that violated your morals.
  • How do you believe your government ought to treat those who are homeless morally?

Interests & Hobbies Narrative Essay Topics

The activities that people enjoy performing the most are their hobbies. Hobbies may end up igniting a lifetime of hobbies or community involvement. When their passions can be incorporated into their professions, most people find that they are happy in the end. In addition, people are drawn to one another depending on their actions and travels. Consider the question, “What do I enjoy doing?” Or “Why do I choose this certain genre of music?”

  • Talk about a period when you neglected your obligations in order to indulge an interest.
  • Describe your talent and the steps you took to develop it.
  • Would you make a class out of your passion to be taught in schools?
  • Tell us how your obsession or hobby helped you land a job.
  • Parents frequently ignore their children’s hobbies. They want their children to succeed academically. What kind of behavior do you think parents should exhibit toward children who prioritize their interests over academic success?

Personal Experience Narrative Essay Topics

For authors, personal experiences are much more exciting. Unfortunately, unless they are presented in an interesting way, personal tale essays are not usually as fascinating for listeners. We are confident that the suggestions for personal narratives below will assist you in selecting your subject to increase reader engagement.

  1. The time in my life that I’m most proud of
  2. I’ve never been to an opera before.
  3. The strangest accident I saw
  4. how I first ate Asian food
  5. My most treasured birthday gift
  6. If I were a fictional character,
  7. The experience that I hope I could relive
  8. If I were the superhero from my favorite movie
  9. How I misplaced a borrowed object
  10. My initial trip to the sea
  11. What sets me apart
  12. My initial foray into the wilderness
  13. first interview for a job
  14. My greatest setback
  15. My most striking Christmas

Narrative Essay Topics about Childhood

Childhood is undoubtedly the most innocent time in our life and the one that offers the greatest wisdom. The most profound insights come from it, and most of our reflections are based on how a child may perceive something. Pick one from our list of fascinating childhood-related subjects.

  1. My first memories
  2. My first pet
  3. The example I was raised by
  4. When I first met my uncle or aunt
  5. My initial visit to a hospital
  6. My very first major sporting event
  7. My first day of classes
  8. First time visiting a stadium
  9. My most memorable trip to a family amusement park
  10. My preferred preschool instructor
  11. It was my first time flying.
  12. My favorite picnic ever
  13. The most terrifying experience I had as a kid
  14. My phobias since childhood
  15. The funniest memory from my youth

Perfect Narrative Essay Topics without a category

The previous subjects for narrative essays are all related to a specific genre or theme. Nevertheless, there are many excellent narrative essay themes that are rather arbitrary but enjoyable to write about. Check out a few more ideas we came up with for narrative essay assignments:

  1. the first vehicle you ever purchased
  2. The kind of thing that “grinds your gears”
  3. The Worst Day Ever: A Guide to Party Dancing
  4. You become aware that Google stores all of your data when
  5. Your manual for reducing stress
  6. Your manual for watching movies, listening to music, and reading books
  7. activities to engage in while waiting in line
  8. If you had access to $1 billion for just one day
  9. a dream realized, whether accidentally or via effort

Narrative essay Topics for High School Students

The addition of this section is a treat for our younger readers! A good sense of humor is a great tool to have when writing. If you use a suitable joke or anecdote, you might be able to make a somber circumstance into something lighthearted and comforting. Your essay will then feel more engaging and exciting throughout. These concepts will inspire you:

  1. a poor encounter with either boys or girls
  2. When you nearly lost your life due to a stupid mistake
  3. When your carefree and innocent high school self was caught in a challenging real-world circumstance.
  4. The most memorable moment in your online life
  5. When mathematics saved your life
  6. If you played a major role in “My Sweet Sixteen”
  7. If you played the lead in “Sixteen and Pregnant,”
  8. The strangest way you’ve ever made friends
  9. When you decided to stop partying after realizing its negative effects.
  10. Your first time using drugs, alcohol, or smokes. What advice would you give someone who hasn’t tried either?

Awesome Narrative Essay Topics without A Category

The previous subjects for narrative essays are all related to a specific genre or theme. Nevertheless, there are many excellent narrative essay themes that are rather arbitrary but enjoyable to write about. Check out a few more ideas we came up with for narrative essay assignments:

  1. the first vehicle you ever purchased
  2. The kind of thing that “grinds your gears”
  3. a worst day ever
  4. Your manual for dancing during events
  5. You become aware that Google stores all of your data when
  6. Your manual for reducing stress
  7. Your manual for watching movies, listening to music, and reading books
  8. activities to engage in while waiting in line
  9. If you had access to $1 billion for just one day
  10. a dream realized, whether accidentally or via effort

Fun Narrative Essay Topics for Students in High School.

The addition of this section is a treat for our younger readers! A good sense of humor is a great tool to have when writing. If you use a suitable joke or anecdote, you might be able to make a somber circumstance into something lighthearted and comforting. Your essay will then feel more engaging and intriguing throughout. These concepts will inspire you:

  1. a poor encounter with either boys or girls
  2. When you nearly lost your life due to a stupid mistake
  3. When your carefree and innocent high school self was caught in a challenging real-world circumstance.
  4. The most memorable moment in your online life
  5. When mathematics saved your life
  6. If you played a major role in “My Sweet Sixteen”
  7. If you played the lead in “Sixteen and Pregnant,”
  8. The strangest way you’ve ever made friends
  9. when you decided to stop partying after realizing its negative effects.
  10. Your first time using drugs, alcohol, or smokes. What advice would you give someone who hasn’t tried either?

Personality Narrative Paper Topics

Every one of us has a unique personality. If you decide to write a narrative essay about your qualities, traits, mood, etc., you can express yourself in any way. For you, we’ve examined some of the best subjects.

  1. When you have to wait for something important to you, how patient can you be?
  2. How much restraint do you possess?
  3. Have you ever held a position of leadership?
  4. If you had lost your parents when you were a little child, how would your life have changed?
  5. When playing different sports, do you have a competitive spirit?
  6. Do you take greater chances while you’re with your closest friends?
  7. Describe your own superstitions in detail.
  8. Talk about all the practical jokes, tales, and hoaxes you have fell for. Also, talk about the common misconceptions people have of you.
  9. How daredevil-like are you?

Sexuality and Gender narrative Essay Topics

Any subject involving gender is delicate. Essayists should take care not to step on any maize. The tone and objectivity of a paper on sex and gender should be neutral. Here are some topics for discussion that you might find interesting:

  1. Do some of the boys in your group view women as “prey”?
  2. Are women under too much pressure to have perfect bodies?
  3. Depending on your family and parents, there are differences between male and female duties.
  4. Effective strategies to deal with adult content online
  5. The most effective technique to study sex in school
  6. The fundamental tenets and objectives of the feminist movement
  7. Is it appropriate for schools to teach about gender and sexuality?
  8. Why do so many parents have different expectations for their sons vs their daughters?

Have you ever encountered gender bias in the classroom? This is how sexuality is portrayed in the “Game of Thrones” book series.

In our list above we have listed down some of narrative essay topics you can write about if you’re looking for narrative paper topic to write your essay. Sometimes even with a topic writing a narrative essay can be tiring and time consuming and that’s why we are here in case you’re looking for an essay writing service. We offer essay writing services and we are the best online paper writing service.

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Complete guide on how to make my essay longer

Complete guide on how to make my essay longer

When writing a college paper, the essay length is an important element that one is supposed to put lots of emphasis on. In this article, we are going to discuss on the tricks and trips of increasing my essay’s length. The length of an essay is important because this is one way to show your instructor or professor that you have fully read the credible sources of information and that you have grasped the important information, thus presenting the required information in detailed-length. A lengthy essay also portrays the amount of effort that has been placed into the essay. The determination to score more in the essay and many other factors that portray hard work in your academics. When writing an essay, among the factors that one should put into consideration, is the essay word count length, this is something that you should always keep in the back of your mind.

One can be easily overwhelmed by the fact that you need to make your essay fulfill the essay word count length. If you want to make your essay longer, follow us at to learn more about the tricks and tips for making your essay longer. professional writers have presented the ways that you can follow to make your essay longer.

Ways to make your essay longer

When you are in wonder about how to lengthen your essay, the claims that you express in your essay are the first things that you should look at. Scan your essay again and check on the ideas that you are presenting. After you have scanned through the ideas presented in your essay, check if you backed up the ideas and main points that are present in your essay by the use of relevant examples and clear explanations. Suppose you observe that you did not back up the ideas in your essay. Then is an opportunity for you to lengthen your essay as you can use relevant examples and information from credible sources and back up your claims in your essay.

For example, take for instance that in your essay, you have claimed that the UFOS are a real deal. Here you can find examples to back up your ideas by including the eyewitness that had seen the events. On the other hand, you can use a credible sources like documentary references. This is supposed to apply to each and every idea that you present in your essay. When one backs up the claims and ideas presented in the essay, this, at times, impresses the instructor or your professor, thus also earning you an extra score.

When the above tactics are applied, the essay tends to be longer and even more exciting to read.

Follow for more information on how to make my essay more interesting to the reader.

You can also read how to format your essay in APA here.

Use transitional words and even phrases.

When one is writing an essay, the use of transitional words in the essay will automatically increase the length of your essay. As you gently and smoothly bring along your readers, the use of transitional words helps you to jump from one point to another. Transactional words not only give a smooth transition from one idea to the next but also makes the essay longer, thus ushering in a win/win situation.

If you need a list of transitional words, you can visit for a comprehensive list of transitional words and examples of how to use each effectively.

Try and reverse the outlining.

This is a simple thing to do when you are writing an essay. Just as it sounds, it is effective in making an essay longer. You are supposed to, after writing your essay, re-read the essay again and then make an outline that is based on what you have read. By doing this, you are going to come across points that do not make sense to the reader, and thus, they will need more explanations. At this point, you are going to explain further and in a detailed form, thus increasing the length of your essay.

Go over your prompt again.

This is maybe something that you may have done dozens of times. If you can’t figure out how to make your essay longer, you can do this one more time. As you are doing this, ask yourself if you have answered all the questions correctly. If all the professor’s questions have not been answered comprehensively, this is a chance for you to lengthen your essay by adding extra required information.

Use expert quotes

When writing an essay, you should take advantage of lengthy quotes that take up much space when writing. This is one of the tricks that you can use in order to lengthen your essay. However, as you are doing this, make sure that your essay is not filled up with too many unnecessary quotes. Your essay should also have some personal content that you should use when you are writing.

At, you can find a list of the most effective and well-known quotes. How to properly use these quotes.

Format you paragraphs

When you have already written your essay, and you find out that the word count is not fulfilling your word limit. Checking the formatting style is something that you should put into consideration. This is because, at most times, you may have omitted a step when formatting your essay. If you have omitted some steps, this means that you have skipped writing some paragraphs, thus leading to not having the number of required words.

Use more words

This may sound like a funny suggestion that may seem silly. But on the other hand, it is a very good trick that one must master when writing any type of essay considered to be lengthy.

Below are tricks that can help you to use more words than one:

Use the “to be” verbs 


When you are saying that “I eat quickly,” you can consider using the words, “I am a quick eater.”

When you are writing lengthy essays, be descriptive


Instead of saying, “we had fun at the fair.” You can say, “my cousin and I attended a fair last month. It was so much fun as we did fun activities like horse riding, taking the Ferris wheel, and even trying out different types of food at different restaurants”.

You can turn some verbs into nouns.

For example:

I arrived at a conclusion that… you can say this other than saying. I concluded that…

In conclusion

Have no fear if you are having worries about how to lengthen your essay. At, we can help you to lengthen your essay to the required length. Our professional writers have tackled hundreds, if not thousands, of essays. We have experienced writers that are willing to give you academic essay writing assistance. We can also write your essay from scratch. All you need to do is place a “write my essay order,” and we will tackle all the work for you.

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Different Types of Essays

The 5 Different Types of Essays

Different Types of Essays

Whether you are in high school, a college student, or a passionate writer, knowing how to write various essays is essential. Choosing the correct type of essay, whether for a test or a college assignment, can dramatically boost your chances of success. In reality, even superb essay content can fail to express the main idea if the writer fails to incorporate key points. As a result, to respond to a writing challenge, you must distinguish between different types of essay writing styles and forms.

This article by Protutor online Writing experts offers you the guidelines you need to tackle any type essay. It discusses the five most common forms of essays and five others! In The post you will get to understand the different types of essays making it easy for you to ace in your assignments. Continue reading, and best of luck with your homework!

But remember if you need help writing your essay assignments, we are here for you. Our online writers will take up your assignment and ensure that you get the best grades.

What Exactly Is an Essay?

An essay is a nonfiction piece of academic writing written to develop a specific idea or to support an argument. In general, essays are used to give information, share the writer’s point of view on a topic, or argue against a thesis statement. The essay’s tone might be official or informal, depending on the objective of the writing. The essay formatting standards may also differ depending on whether it is a standard 5-paragraph piece or a lengthy essay work. Therefore, the essays that you write in high school or college differ. Here are the different types of essays that you will encounter during your academic life.

The Five Different Types of Essays

There are numerous varieties of essays, and you will most likely encounter several of them during your academic career. Although the particular requirements and expectations for each sort of essay may differ, there are five basic essay types that you must be familiar with. Let us examine each essay type:

Argumentative Paper

A thorough examination of a topic is required for an argumentative essay, which leads to the attainment and evaluation of evidence. An in-depth investigation is needed for you to achieve a well-defined perspective on the topic, which is assigned to you by your professor.

This style of writing typically requires substantial literary investigation. Argumentative essays occasionally necessitate empirical research through surveys, interviews, or observations. Doing extensive research ensures that you get a good understanding of the topic and the various points of view on it. You will be able to make an unbiased judgment on which opinion to follow as a result of the preliminary research, and your argumentation will be more persuasive.

Argumentative essays assess your abilities to conduct research and articulate your point of view on a given topic. This is the most prevalent essay style at the college level—most papers you write will contain some form of argumentation.

The standard argumentative essay is organized into five paragraphs as follows: 

  • Introduction – 1 paragraph
  • Body -3 paragraphs
  • Conclusion -1 paragraph

Your topic and thesis statement is should be presented in the introduction.

The body of your paper contains your evidence and arguments concerning different topics related to the main topic or thesis of your essay.

The conclusion summarizes and stresses the value of your argument.

Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is one in which the writer attempts to persuade the reader to embrace a particular point of view. Unlike an argumentative essay, a persuasive essay aims to persuade the reader to agree with you. It is critical to remember that a persuasive essay is more than just giving information; it is also about expressing your perspective and backing it up with proof.

Your point of view should emphasize your thesis, and you should back it up with facts. Be simple and concise, and avoid jargon or convoluted terminology. Your goal is to explain your point of view as clearly as possible so the reader will accept your argument.

Main Characteristics

A writer must construct persuasive essays with the following criteria in mind to maintain a consistent stance:

  1. Convincing: uses a convincing tone of speech to persuade the reader to agree. Accurate: delivers accurate facts and current cases or occurrences
  2. Informing: concentrates on facts, data, and proof.
  3. Reader-oriented delivers information from the reader’s point of view.
  4. Arguable: this style of essay has a contentious issue that sparks debate.
  5. If you need strong persuasive essay themes, remember that you can discover them right here.
  • You should format a persuasive essay per academic guidelines like any other essay style. College teachers and university professors typically demand students to include the following sections:
  • A topic-focused beginning with a powerful thesis statement
  • A section of the body that contains arguments and supporting evidence.
  • A conclusion that summarizes the argument and emphasizes its significance

Expository Writing

An expository essay seeks to give objective facts on a broad or restricted topic. This style of essay is frequently assigned as an in-class or exam task. Expository writing’s primary goal is to study a topic without presenting an argument. Expository essays necessitate the writer’s ability to express complex information in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner. Unlike other forms of essays, it provides a fact-based critique. As a result, a student should speak in a neutral tone and provide concepts in a logical order.

Main Characteristics

This essay assesses the student’s ability to explain a problem clearly. You should use statistics and uncover factual examples while writing an informative post. The following Here are some of the most typical characteristics of explanatory essays:

  1. Informative: delivers the correct information
  2. Specific: a precise and explicit description of facts
  3. Well-organized: adheres to the order of events
  4. Semi-formal: no first-person nouns are used.
  5. objective: educates the reader without revealing personal ideas
  6. A typical explanatory essay structure consists of the following sections:

An introduction introduces a subject and provides background information.

The facts are explained in the body paragraphs.

A conclusion summarizes the data.

Descriptive Essay 

Descriptive Essay Example
Descriptive Essay Example

The descriptive essay is the most expressive type of essay you will ever write. The purpose here is to describe something: a person, an object, a location, etc.

For example, a descriptive essay would not employ the oil business theme to demonstrate an explanatory thesis argument. Instead, descriptive writing would most likely center on an oil-related object, such as an oil drum, an oil ship, or even the liquid oil itself.

You should not limit your imagination in this style of writing. Instead, you’ll want to demonstrate your inventiveness and resourcefulness.

Main Characteristics

Typically, descriptive essays share characteristics with informal writing. The following are the essential features of descriptive writing:

  1. Demonstrative: your essay should demonstrate rather than narrate a subject.
  2. Through vivid descriptive details, you make an impression in the reader’s mind.
  3. Sensory expressions are those that appeal to all of the human senses.
  4. Analogies, metaphors, similes, allegories, and personifications are examples of figurative language.
  5. Emotional: refers to issues that have sentimental value in the essay you are writing.
  6. A descriptive essay has an equivocal structure requirement. You are free to use your imagination to describe an object in the most unconventional way imaginable. However, to satisfy academic objectives, this style of essay should have the following information:
  7. A quick description of the subject you will be portraying
  8. A thorough explanation

Narrative Essay 

The definition of narrative writing is very similar to that of a story. It could be moving, dynamic, anecdotal, or thought-provoking. Your writing may use first-person pronouns, and your inventiveness is encouraged. A narrative essay must follow all tale standards and include an introduction, characters, plot, setting, climax, and conclusion. A book report is a sole circumstance in which a narrative assignment does not have to follow a plot plan. This informative narration is cold and emotionless.

As a  writer your work is to guide a reader through a story without convincing or demonstrating any point in a narrative essay. On the other hand, a personal narrative should incorporate a moral component so that the listener might gain some significant insights. A student learns how to communicate their sentiments and emotions creatively by writing narrative essays. However, you must be able to maintain the consistency of a story.

Main Characteristics

Narrative essays and short tales are frequently confused: they are different. In a nutshell, the narrative essay serves an academic purpose by focusing on a personal experience that has occurred. At the same time, narrative essays share some characteristics with short stories. This sort of essay usually includes the following aspects of storytelling:

  1. The plot is the course of events. When and where a tale takes place are referred to as its setting.
  2. Character: a protagonist who sets off all events
  3. A conflict is a problem that a protagonist attempts to solve.
  4. Theme: a sense of moral obligation
  5. Narrative essays, like any other sort of academic assignment, have the following characteristics:
  6. Informative: tells a narrative without making an argument.
  7. Personal: written in the first person
  8. Nonfiction: recounts a truly personal experience
  9. Conversational: an informal and expressive tone of voice
  10. Well arranged: introduces individuals and events in chronological sequence
Difference Between a Narrative and A Descriptive Essay
Difference Between a Narrative and A Descriptive Essay

Difference Between a Narrative and A Descriptive Essay

Though there is a distinction between a narrative and a descriptive essay, these two essays are frequently mixed. Because they do not contain a lot of facts or information, narrative and descriptive essays can be produced by people of any age.

The primary difference between a narrative and a descriptive essay is their goal. A narrative essay is intended to tell the story of an incident or experience, whereas a descriptive essay is designed to describe a person, thing, or place.

A narrative essay is written in the first person, but a descriptive essay is written in both the first and third person.

A narrative essay follows a logical, generally chronological arrangement, whereas a descriptive essay does not consider time.

Another key distinction between narrative and descriptive essays is that a narrative essay recounts a tale and has a storyline, setting, and characters. Dialogue can also be included in a narrative essay.

What Is the Difference Between an Expository And An Argumentative Essay?

Expository and argumentative essays have many similarities and need clarification. The main distinction is the amount of preliminary research. Argumentative essays are frequently assigned as final projects summarizing the corpus of knowledge gained during a semester. Expository essays are shorter and less research-based. They are used for unprepared writing in class.

Other Types of Essay Writing 

Reflective Essay 

Reflective essays are those in which the writer reflects on their experiences and how they influenced personal transformation. Self-reflection is required for reflective essays. Typically, the writer studies and evaluates the past from the present perspective. This differs from an informative essay, in which the writer presents data about a specific subject from an unbiased perspective. Reflective essays reveal the writer’s views or attitudes toward a topic, whereas informative essays require the writer to maintain objectivity. Reflective essays are frequently contrasted with narrative essays. The essential distinction is that a narrative essay focuses on a specific event in time, but a reflective essay focuses on the writer’s changes due to their experiences.

An Analytical Essay

An analytical essay is a piece of writing that gives an in-depth study of a certain topic. Analysis papers can be written on various themes, including art, music, literary works, current events, historical events, politics, scientific study, and philosophy. Analytical essays are widespread in academic environments, as well as magazines, newspapers, academic journals, and trade publications. For the reader’s advantage, an excellent analytical essay can explain and contextualize simple material.

Cause And Effect Essay

The cause-and-effect essay is an argumentative essay in which the effective linkages between two issues are detailed. In a typical cause-and-effect essay or academic paper, the author demonstrates how one person, thing, idea, or event directly influences another person, thing, concept, or event.

Comparison And Contrast 

Writing a compare and contrast essay allows you to contrast two subjects in the same paper. This implies that thesis statements, topic sentences, and descriptive details must address both topics. Critical thinking is also required for comparing and contrasting articles. You must go beyond simple descriptive writing to analyze and explain the relationship between your subjects to write one. A good comparison essay might teach readers about current events, political candidates, vacation spots, or items.

Exemplification Essay

Exemplification is the provision of examples concerning something. Examples are used as supporting material in this style of essay to explain or clarify a generalization.

The key to writing an effective exemplification essay is to include enough comprehensive and specific examples to make your point. Examples should be carefully picked to appeal to readers and assist them in understanding the primary topic of your essay.

Exemplification essays can include both brief and detailed examples.

Brief examples may appear regularly throughout the article, with just enough concise facts to demonstrate clear-cut themes. Comprehensive examples show complex ideas that are too complex to be effectively discussed using brief examples.

Tips On Writing Winning Essays 

Always pay great attention to the instructions before writing any project. The typical interpretation of any essay style is less significant than your teacher’s assignment definition. 

Ask questions when in doubt! No teacher will be offended if you ask for reasonable clarifications. It is preferable to compose the expected essay rather than to surprise your teacher with a creative effort. And, as a result, receive a low grade.

You’ll see that each of the types of essays mentioned above fits into the 5-paragraph essay framework. This essay structure is an effective technique for organizing your ideas. Practicing this structure will help you improve your writing.

Let Us Help 

We know that sometimes telling the difference between the above essays can be an uphill task. Since the difference between them is very small. But you don’t have to worry about that. Our online writers at protutor services are here to help. 

We offer high-quality cheap essay-writing services to our clients so they can concentrate on other areas of their studies. 

So reach out today and spot the difference!

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How To Write in Cursive

How To Write in Cursive

How To Write in Cursive

Cursive writing is the writing every student must know because you will be required to use it at some point in your course.

It’s a form of penmanship where you write by connecting letters of a word in an italicized or looped handwriting style.

Unlike the other usual writing you can easily do via the computer, cursive writing will require you to use a pen and paper to master the style.

All you have to do is learn how to connect the letters. You only get to master this by practicing again and again. Remember that as you join the cursive letters, your writing has to be clear enough for your reader to see clearly what you are writing.

The most common place you will be required to use cursive writing is when you are doing a listicle or a rough draft of an essay. Also, students learn to write in cursive as a form of creativity and handwriting.


Importance Of Cursive Writing

What are the advantages of learning cursive writing? Learning how to write in cursive helps the student in the following way:

  • Improved memory
  • Cursive writing has proven to be therapy for dyslexia
  • If you are after getting better grades, then cursive writing will enable you to get just that
  • Improved writing abilities
  • It helps in the development of good motor skills
  • Increase in cognitive abilities

How To Learn Cursive Writing

If you are ready to learn cursive writing, then the following are the tools you will need to make your learning easy:

  • A pencil; Any pencil will do as long as it is comfortable when holding it.
  • An eraser. An eraser comes in handy when practicing cursive writing since you will make mistakes before you get a grip of what you are doing. Having an eraser will allow you to erase your mistakes easily.
  • Black ink pen
  • A practice sheets. A simple lined paper will do

With the above tools, you are now ready to start cursive learning.

How To Learn to Write in Cursive

Do you remember when you started writing for the first time in your life? You began by writing  the alphabet. The same case applies when you learn how to write in cursive. You will begin by practicing how to write the different cursive letters of the alphabet on cursive. After mastering the alphabet, you are ready to start doing words.

Get a grasp of each cursive letter‘s position since each letter has the line on which they are written. Also, take note of the shape of the letter. Remember, in learning cursive, the cursive letters are slanting, italicized, and connected.

Sloping letters is another skill that you should learn in this writing style. It starts at the bottom of the body line. When learning how to write in cursive, it becomes clear that most letters finish in a stroke at the top baseline.

Some cursive letters contain loops. It depends; they can be at the bottom or top of the letter. It all depends on the letter that was written. Let us now proceed to the step-by-step process of learning to write in cursive.

How to learn cursive letters

Begin by learning each uppercase and lowercase alphabet separately. Step-by-step letter construction, followed by word and sentence development, will aid in learning cursive writing. Do not be in a rush to practice again and again until you can connect the letters properly.

Cursive alphabet

Here you will learn how to write cursive letters of the alphabet. It’s the first step to learning cursive writing. Before, it was the only way of learning cursive courses before the computer age. Nowadays, typing is taught, therefore, you need to be patient to master this art of cursive writing.

How to write cursive letters in Lower Case

To easily learn lowercase cursive letters, start by learning the letter U., It’s the easiest letter to write in cursive. Other letters are;

 b, f, h, l, k, I, m, n, p, s, r, t, u, w, x, y

The above cursive letters are the easiest to learn because they have one stroke since most of them remain within the top and bottom lines.

After you have mastered the easy letters in cursive, you can now give the letter ‘o” an attempt. Afterward, you can try letters like b, f, and k. These letters are harder to master when learning cursive writing. So, you will need more practice to get them right.

Afterward, you can try the other letters with curved strokes such as a, g, and o.

Learning to write lowercase cursive letters is a huge step in becoming a pro in cursive writing. Therefore, ensure that you get it right before attempting any other letters.

cursive writing
cursive writing


How To Write Cursive Letters in Upper Case

After you have mastered the lowercase cursive letters, it’s now time to learn how to write cursive letters in upper case.

You can start with the following letters in uppercase C, G, E, L, and O. pro tutor services experts advise that you start with the letter L and then try the other letters after you have mastered L.

After the first set of cursive letters is done, you can proceed to do R. R is the hardest letter to write in cursive, but once you have gotten it right, the rest becomes easy.

A Cursive Letter Font

Just like any other type of writing, your cursive letters need to be in a certain font style. Sometimes you will be required to create something fancy like a wedding card or something professional; you do is use different cursive fonts. But don’t overdo it, as it makes your cursive writing untidy. At protutor, we recommend that you use the following fonts

  • Shelley Script
  • Citadel Script
  • Buffet Script
  • Hummingbird
  • Creamy Script
  • Ragatz Script
  • Ritts Cursive
  • Belinda
  • Style Script
  • Bendo Script
  • Brody
  • Allura
  • Aquafina Script Pro
  • Blackjack
  • Caballero
  • Columbine Light
  • Kuenstler Script
  • Fancier Script

Although when you learn how to write in cursive, you are free to choose the font style you want, but be sure to study them carefully before deciding which Font suits you best.

Practice More Often

As you know, practice makes perfect. Therefore, for you to be a master in cursive writing, you have to practice regularly. Commit some time in your busy schedule to practice and prioritize it to become an expert at cursive writing.

You can also make it a point to write all your essay drafts in cursive, then type the final copy in a word document. Continuous practice will give you experience in writing cursive letters.

Cursive Writing Tips

  • Begin your adventure by mastering the lowercase letters.
  • Start with the easy letters, such as U or O, as they only have one stroke, then progress to the harder letters.
  • To gain confidence and comfort with the writing style, copy and trace the letters.
  • Select a suitable font for your cursive letters
  • After you’ve mastered all the lowercase letters, move on to the uppercase or capital letters and use the same copy and trace method.
  • Make time to practice every day and commit to at least 20-30 minutes.
  • Keep it nice and clean; don’t overuse or overwrite it.
  • Begin slowly; there is no need to rush the procedure. Write with grace and elegance.
  • Handwritten text is more personal than typed material on a computer screen.
  • In the beginning, consider writing on ruled paper. It is the best kind of paper for cursive writing.
  • You can download cursive writing sheets or trace the letters
  • Do not apply pressure on your pen when writing cursive letters
  • Using a lined paper is a plus in how to learn cursive writing

Where To Get More Information on Cursive Writing

You can learn some more on how to write in cursive by using

  • YouTube video tutorials,
  • looking at different how to write cursive worksheets on the internet
  • Reading more on cursive writing   

Learning Cursive writing is so enjoyable that you will choose to write rather than type. You’ll prefer writing them down on paper; as a result, you’ll recall most of what you scribble down. It improves your ability to retain knowledge.

Do You Need Extra Help?

Cursive learning can be challenging, but it’s a valuable skill to acquire. At times you may need help with other forms of writing so you can dedicate your time to learning cursive writing. If that’s the case, don’t hesitate to contact protutor Essay Help services experts. We are happy and ready to help ease the pressure of the other papers so you can master the art of cursive writing.

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informative essay

How To Write an Informative Essay A Comprehensive Guide

informative essay

Did you know that most of the essays you are tasked to write are informative essaysInformative essays are written at any stage of academia; therefore, you need to understand how to write an informative essay that stands out from the rest.

An informative essay is one of the essential papers that any university or college student will be required to write. Therefore, you will be required to give it some quality time and come up with clever ideas, good analytical skills, and writing prowess to develop an essay that satisfies your readers.

Before we delve into how to write an informative essay, it’s essential to understand what kind of paper an informational essay is.

What Is an Informative Essay 

There are many definitions given to this type of writing, but in simple terms, an informative essay is a paper that provides information. An informational essay enables the reader to understand a given topic better.

As a writer, consider yourself lucky if you are asked to write an informational essay since it’s the most straightforward task you can ever get.

When writing an informative essay, your opinion is not required. Your work is to describe a subject to educate a reader about a particular thing. Good examples of informational essays are Wikipedia articles since all they do is provide you with information on given topics.

At this point, it is clear that when doing an informative essay, you stick to the facts, and you are not allowed to sway the reader’s thoughts or make them change their beliefs concerning the subject matter. But if you feel that doing an informative essay is still a challenge, do not worry Proto Tutors Services tutors are here to sort you.

How To Write an Informational Essay

So, how is an informative essay written? For you to write an exceptional informative essay, you must do the following:

1.    Understand Your Assignment

To write a great informative essay, you are supposed to ensure that you select the best topic and research it thoroughly. Also, understand who your audience is before you embark on writing any informational essay.

These facts will enable you to decide on the amount of information you will give out in your informative essay.

Ensure you understand what your tutor requires of you in the assignment. For example;

The sources he wants you to site in your reference section. Under normal circumstances, academic essays are written in the Times New Romans or Aerial 12-pt font size. You can only decide to use this font size if your tutor has not specified his preference.

Know the date when your informative essay is supposed to be submitted. Ensure you start on time so you can have plenty of time to finish your assignments.


2.    Choose A Topic

If a topic has not been given, you will be left with the task of coming up with your title for your informative essay. At this point, it’s easy to get stuck, especially if you have a variety of topics to choose from for your informational essay. But don’t worry. Here are some things to check out so you can end up with the best topic for your informational essay.

Ensure that the topic you pick is not too broad or narrow. The topic you choose should have enough information to write about in the essay. Your duty here is to ensure that your reader gets as much information on the said topic as possible.

Therefore, choosing a narrow topic will slim your chances of giving more details.

On the other hand, if it is too broad, you may give information that is not required for the assignment. Therefore, a medium topic would be your best choice.

Finally, the topic must pique your curiosity. Write about anything you are interested in or passionate about. You will have an easy time writing an informative essay on a topic you have interested in that you barely know.

3.    Research

Excellent and thorough research on an informative essay ensures that the final paper is of excellent quality. The information you give at this point must be accurate and articulate your issues in an orderly way so your reader can easily understand.

Engage your librarian on the best sources of information or use the internet to get reliable content. Check out informative essays from reputable organizations to enable you to come up with an accurate paper.

4.    Take Notes

As you research your informational essay, taking notes is essential in ensuring that you do not lose focus and deviate from the main topic. An introduction, body, and conclusion are required for a super informative essay.

Therefore, jotting down notes as your research will let you know what point goes where, whether it’s the introduction, the conclusion, or the body.

5.    Note Your Sources

Remember you must quote your sources at the end of the informative essay. Therefore, keep track of your sources. They include the author’s title, Copywrite information, publisher, and website if needed.

6.    Brainstorming

This is the final preparation stage before you develop the structure of your informative essay. At this stage, you arrange all your notes in relevant groups or clusters, making it easy for you to see how they are connected.

You can use lists, idea maps, or free writing. This depends on your preference.

How To Structure Your Informative Essay

If you have no idea or are confused about how to write an informative outline, don’t worry. It’s similar to any other paper you will do during your coursework. Like any other paper, an informative essay outline has three major parts. 

  • The introduction 
  • The body 
  • A conclusion

At the end of every paper, do not forget to include your sources/ reference. An informative essay‘s body paragraphs may differ depending on the topic you are working on. So, it’s good to be keen when choosing your topic.

In the conclusion of your informative essay, do not forget to remind the reader of the main idea. Also, in the thesis, ensure that you stress the importance of the topic and do not make it sound argumentative. 

An informative essay outline should elaborate on the following points:

The origin of the problem. This is the main topic of the informative essay. Here you can delve into the history of the idea under discussion. The deeper you go, the better for the reader since they will be able to understand the information you will give them later in the body of the essay. 

Process: here, you take your time to explain what researchers in your chosen topic have developed different ideas around it. Describe how it works for your reader to have a broad scope of information. For example, if you are talking about exercises, you should give information about what researchers in this field have discovered about different types of workouts. 

Benefits: What are the advantages of the topic of interest in your essay? For example, you are talking about specific weight loss diets. What are the advantages of your reader following the diets? 

what is an informative essay
what is an informative essay

An Informative Essay Introduction

An informative essay introduction is the number one feature of an informative essay outline. It has to contain a hook. A hook sentence in an informative essay introduction is the best way to start an informative essay.

A couple of sentences an informative essay introduction pique your reader’s attention, such as eye-opening figures or queries that will make the reader think and desire to learn more.

Background facts are also an addition to an informative essay introduction, followed by a thesis statement and a transition sentence.

An Informative Essay Thesis

After an informative essay introduction, a thesis follows. A thesis is one of the integral parts of how to start an informative essay. It elaborates on the main topic of your informative essay. To bring out the best in the subject of your informative essay, ensure that your thesis is narrowed down to fit the required word count. As always, include a logical transition sentence to the next part of your informative essay, which is the body.

The Informative Essay Body

 The body of your informative essay is the part between the introduction and the conclusion. At this stage, you are allowed to expound on your thesis statement and grab your readers’ attention with facts, reports, and statistics.

The body of an informative essay should have several paragraphs since this is where you provide more details on your topic of discussion.

The several paragraphs of the informative essay body should elaborate on a significant point.

Use every paragraph to elaborate on the given topic, giving supporting details, examples, quotations, facts, and examples of the matter.

Conclusion of an Informative Essay

This includes a recap of every area of your essay according to the informative essay outline. An informative essay conclusion should include;

  • The thesis
  • A summary of the body paragraphs
  • A final word

Ensure that your conclusion is not far-fetched; it should be a summary of the main points of your informative essay. Do not add new information that is nowhere in the text to avoid confusion for your readers.

Ensure that the end of your article leaves your reader yearning for more and is therefore encouraged to research more on the topic.

How Do You Write an Informative Essay?

How do you start your informative essay? You have worked on the main points of your informative essay and have come up with the outline. Now it’s time to put your ideas down on paper. What are the steps you should follow in displaying your informative essay outline?

Write A Rough Draft

Like any other paper, to write a high-quality, informative essay, you must start with a rough draft. Here is where an outline for an informative essay should guide you. Take every point in your outline and add flesh to turn each point into an entire paragraph.

Do not be worried about miss-spelling or any other mistakes; stay focused on putting down your points since you will have time to edit later. You can write using pen and paper or type it.

Give Each Paragraph a Topic Sentence

The first sentence in every paragraph should give your reader precisely what topic you are talking about. It can also transition from the previous paragraph’s main subject to the new one.

Ensure that each paragraph has a clear relation to the essay’s thesis statement, has a logical relationship with the ideas in the paragraph, and is clearly explained and supported.

Essay Parts Structures

As earlier stated, an outline for an informative essay should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. In a nutshell, your paragraph structure in each part of the informative essay should follow the claim-evidence-explanation format.

Masking the use of supporting evidence to expand the paragraph topic is welcome as long as it does not deviate from the main subject. To keep your writing in check, keep referring to your informative essay outline regularly.

Edit Your Informative Essay Rough Draft

You are almost done with your paper. Now it’s time to read through your essay and edit where necessary to give it the desired flow.

Things to consider when editing include:

  • Have you given your reader all the information they need
  • Is your thesis statement clear
  • Are your paragraphs in the body articulating different points, and do they have a creative flow?
  • How is the grammar of your informative essay? Is it okay? if your essay none plagiarized? Are your points clear?
  • Does your conclusion paint the perfect picture of your thesis and all the other points you have put down
  • Also, are your citations correct as instructed by your teacher?


Final Draft

After going through your informative essay and editing it thoroughly, it is time to write the final draft. Doing a final draft should not be a big deal. Ensure that your informative essay is coherent. Ensure that the C-E-E formular is followed strictly.

Final Language and Proofreading

At this stage in your writing, you must ensure that your informative essay is logical and follows a particular tone. Anywhere that sounds awkward should be revised.

For example, if you use one word, as discussed, several times in your essay, it will sound unpolished. Finally, you proofread your final draft after ensuring that every part is in order and you are ready to submit.

Advantages Of Informative Essay Writing

  • Informative essay writing is good for illustrations. In this type of informative essay, a different situation is used to develop the essay’s main points.
  • Informative essays can be used to expand a particular cause-and-effect scenario. It helps a reader understand the effects of a specific situation or scenario on something else.
  • Informative essays can elaborate on the importance of given ideas in simple steps that are easy to follow. An informative essay is the best option if you are doing a pepper that needs step-by-step explanations.
  • Informative essays can be used to share new information that is meant to introduce your reader to report they are not familiar with
  • Informative essays are great in Clarification of different concepts of the given ideas.


Informative Essay Topics

Informative Essay Topics
Informative Essay Topics

Informative essay topics can be classified into the following categories

  • Social issues
  • Historical topics
  • Educational topics
  • Business topics
  • Religious topics

Here are examples of how to write informative essay topics under each category

Social issues Informative Essay Topics

  • Gambling’s detrimental impact on one’s personal and social life
  • What are the most common causes of eating problems in humans?
  • Censorship in modern society, the arts, and the media
  • The primary causes of water pollution
  • What were the worldwide pandemic’s consequences for the world and economy?
  • The significance of education in the twenty-first century
  • Bullying is a concern in today’s classrooms.
  • Is it possible to prevent and reduce child abuse?
  • The consequences of environmental degradation
  • The most important causes and consequences of the Black Lives Matter movement.


Educational Informative Essay topics

Here are ten terrific topic ideas for your informative essay on education to get you started:

  • University education at the world’s best universities
  • The implications of heavy video game use on academic performance among students
  • Sports as a component of an excellent educational program
  • The importance of books in academic research in the twenty-first century
  • The critical abilities that influence a student’s intellectual development
  • What are the adverse effects of standardized testing on a student’s overall performance?
  • Homework throughout the summer break
  • The leadership position in the classroom
  • we should abandon the traditional grading system 
  • Summer classes are less productive than autumn classes.

Historical Informative Essay topics

Here are some interesting historical subjects for an informative essay at A-level:

  • Discuss ethical concepts concerning the Vietnam War.
  • Slavery’s history and foundations in the United States of America
  • The main reasons for the Civil War
  • What was the cultural impact of native Americans on our society?
  • Analysis of the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation
  • What impact did the Declaration of Independence have on US history?
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s Impact
  • The most divisive problems in American foreign policy in the twenty-first century in the twenty-first century
  • Interwar period examination
  • The impact of industrialization on social movements in the United States

Business Informative Essay topics

Consider the following relevant topic ideas while writing a fascinating, informative essay on business:

  • Consumerism’s role in modern business
  • Marketing and branding as primary sales triggers
  • How has e-commerce affected business development in the twenty-first century?
  • The consequences of demonetization
  • What role do human resources play in today’s business environment?
  • Data as the primary asset for corporate decision making
  • Is it possible to have socioeconomic inequality?
  • Today’s most critical economic methods
  • The impact of COVID-19 on the 2020 economic crisis
  • The significance of industrial corridors in the economy and business

Religious Topics

Here are some excellent religious essay topics:

  • What is religion, and what is its role in society?
  • In the modern world, common religious dogmas.
  • In the twenty-first century, how do technology and faith coexist?
  • Religion and the church’s influence on our personalities
  • Christianity’s origins and history
  • New religious movements that can be seen today
  • What is the place of religion in politics?
  • Is there still room for debate between science and religion?
  • Religion’s Place in the Workplace
  • How did religion and the church influence human evolution?

Please Write My Informative Essay for Me!

It is simpler than you think to write an informative essay. This academic paper needs you to provide a detailed description of a given or chosen topic, complete with facts, data, and explanations. If you still don’t understand the meaning of an informative essay or don’t have time to create one, you may hire professionals here at ProTutors Services who offer essay writing service to do it for you. All you do is set up an account, place an order, and wait for it to be delivered.

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How to write an illustration essay

How to write an illustration essay

How to write an illustration essay

Most students will have a problem with how to write an illustration essay at first. But, Illustrative essays, as opposed to traditional college papers, illustrative essays are particular because they must adhere to a carefully established logic and structure. It’s the kind of paper that requires students to back up every claim with irrefutable evidence, which might be difficult for young researchers.

But now that you are reading this, you can be assured that protutor online helpers will give you insights to help you become an expert in illustrative essay writing. 

And if you still find it hard to comprehend, then don’t worry. We are ready to help you with online essay writing services. 

Now, before we get further into this, 

Let’s understand the definition of illustration writing

What Is an Illustration Essay?

An illustration essay is a paper where you are tasked to explain a subject by giving examples as evidence. You can also define an illustration essay as informative writing that demonstrates that a particular thing exists. 

As the author, you are required to write in summary on a given topic and include a definition, and provide vivid examples concerning the events of the subject you are tackling. 

Concentrate on the facts. No sensations and discoveries are needed in illustrative writing

How To Write an Illustration Essay 

Like other essays you will be writing in your course, the illustrative essay follows a particular writing order for you to get it right. Below is the best sequence that our online helpers have put together to help you write a super illustrative essay;

Choose a topic of interest. You will be tasked with choosing a topic of interest to you that you are comfortable writing about. This way, you will not have a hard time providing examples or evidence to support your illustrations. 

Do thorough research. It will be hard to explain your topic of choice well if you do not conduct thorough research about it. Ensure that you have the correct facts about your subject matter to guide your writing. 

Draft an outline. As you research the illustration topic of your choice, ensure that you take or jot down points and ideas to guide you in your writing. Also, write down the examples you need to best illustrate your paper. 

Work on the content. Armed With the illustrative outline, you are now ready to write your illustrative essay well. Write a strong thesis that will leave your reader wanting to read some more to comprehend what you are talking about fully. 

Proofread. After writing any essay, ensure that you go through it to take care of the grammatical and plagiarism errors. Proofread your content again and again. You can also ask a friend to help with this part or, better still, contact our online writers, who offer cheap online writing services for all your online writing assignments. 

Final Check. After proofreading, it does not harm to go through the paper once more to ensure everything is in place before submission. Ensure that your illustrative essay is easy and enjoyable to read and that your points flow as you had intended. 

The Structure of An Illustrative Essay 

An illustrative essay is usually shorter than others, so when writing one, ensure that you strive to keep it at three pages. This is not limited to what your teacher wants because sometimes they may ask you to write a more extended essay. But if they don’t, then three pages should be enough. 

Like other essays, the illustrative essay follows the same pattern of having an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

Read on to find out how to structure your illustrative essay.



This is the first part of your essay where you introduce the topic that you are giving illustrations about. Make it enjoyable so your reader will want to know more about what you are saying. This is also where you write the thesis statement, giving your reader a general overview of your illustrative essay. 

The introduction should consist of five sentences. However, depending on the size of an illustrated essay, it can be somewhat longer or shorter. You should include the following elements in your introduction:

  • Inform the reader about the chosen topic.
  • Notify: Inform the reader of background information on the topic.
  • Translate: Rephrase the essay question in an alternative language.
  • Report: After introducing the example, provide information on your supporting points.
  • Outline: Use transition phrases such as “first, second, thirdly” to organize the essay.

Once you have grabbed the reader’s attention, it’s time to do the illustrative essay’s body part.

Body Of an Illustrative Essay

The body of an illustrative essay is the central part of your essay. This is where all your illustrations are given, with all the examples and evidence you acquired during research. 

Cleverly explain with evidence all your points so that your reader gets to understand you and, at the same time, enjoys reading your paper. 

Start with the strong evidence about your topic and then finish with the weak ones. Also, your illustrative essay points should contain at least three to four examples. Therefore, you will need to make smooth transitions from one end of a paragraph to the other. 

This will enable your audience to follow up smoothly and understand your point. 

Remember that the paragraphs in the body section aim at 

Describing and defining your topic. The reader should be able to gain the impression that you have deep knowledge of the issue you are writing about. 

Explain with examples. Provide as many examples as possible as you address the main points of the topic. 

Make use of transition words such as;

  • Besides that 
  • Next 
  • In particular
  • For example 
  • For instance


This is the final part of the illustration essay. Here you repeat the thesis and make a summary of the body paragraphs. To make your conclusion intriguing and memorable for the reader, employ the 5 C’s strategy. Ideally, you should write one or two sentences for each point.

You must connect the first and last paragraphs. As a result, you will examine the thesis statement through the lens of the examples given in the body section. This will make your writing appear more concise and coherent.

Finally, it would be best if you had the last say on the matter. In other words, you can change the wording in the thesis statement of the illustration essay.

To clarify, you should respond to the illustrative essay question using examples from the body section.

concern; You should identify the party who may bear responsibility for the problem.

Consequences: let the reader know about the effects of the topic you are illustrating in your essay. 

Note that an illustration essay conclusion may or may not have references. For example, if the essay is about your personal experience, you won’t need to leave references, but if it is scientific, the sources are a must. 

After writing your illustrative essay:

1.         Ensure it is well-edited according to your tutor’s instructions.

2.         Read it more than once to get the grammatical, structural, and contextual mistakes.

3.         Get a friend to help in this part so you can be sure that your audience will get what you are passing across. 



In summary, your illustrative essay paragraphs should take the following shape:

  • The critical supporting argument in this paragraph is the topic sentence.
  • Background sentence – begins the illustrative essay; can you up to three can be used.
  • Research sentence – elaborates on the subject by quoting or paraphrasing information.
  • Analyze – describes how it relates to your topic and thesis.
  • Conclusion/transition sentence – summarizes a concept and brings a paragraph to a close.
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tutoring services

How To Choose a Topic for An Illustrative Paper

Most of the time, your teacher will ask you to come up with a topic for your illustration essay. It may be a challenge, but it’s the best way to go because the topic you will come up with will be something you are conversant with. 

Remember writing the illustrative essay will be a nightmare if you have a hard time picking a topic. So how do you choose a subject for your illustrative essay?

Think About Your Interests

When you think about the things that intrigue you, you can easily find a topic to write about. When you write about something you are passionate about, you get more thrilled about the entire creative process. Before you begin writing, consider the themes about which you are enthusiastic.

Take Note Of The Topic’s Uniqueness. 

When selecting a topic for your illustrative essay, look for less prevalent and less general possibilities. A specific topic can better capture the reader’s attention and earn you a higher score. Furthermore, a unique topic will allow for more conversation, which is always fun to read.

Consider The Topic’s Information Availability.

 It would be best if you went deep into the topic’s examples and descriptions when writing an illustration essay. You must first gather sufficient knowledge before beginning the actual writing process. As a result, covering a topic that is widely addressed in academic and scientific sources is much easier.

Concentrate On the Theme of Simplicity.

 It would be best if you chose a topic that is suitable for you. It would help if you did not try to impress the instructor by selecting an extremely complicated topic. You will demonstrate your failure to write a worthy piece of content rather than your writing talents.

Follow The Essay Writing Rules. 

Always keep the basic guidelines in mind when selecting a topic. Stick to this information whether your lecturer wants you to write an essay on the psychological disorder or explore a philosophical quandary. Maintain a manageable illustrative topic that is neither too limited nor too broad.

Great Illustration Essay Ideas You Can Write About 

The key to producing the best illustration essay is to select an appropriate topic. It should be something with which you are familiar, interested, and concerned. Topics that are timely and relevant make it easier to locate compelling proof. Here are some suggestions to think about

  • Life in academia
  • How procrastinating affects American students’ academic performance.
  • Finding time for schoolwork, athletics, and recreation is critical.
  • Why pupils should challenge everything, they learn in school.
  • Ideas for staying motivated during your college years
  • Describe your professor’s teaching style and the most effective strategies.
  • College
  • Describe a student’s struggles during the educational process.
  • How to stay in touch with pals after graduating or studying abroad.
  • Tell me about a specific collegiate ritual in your community.
  • Budgeting suggestions for students living on campus
  • Tell me about how you adjusted to the college environment.


  • How can I get work in New York and prepare for an interview?
  • A typical day in the life of a waitress/accountant/marketing manager/janitor.
  • Ideas for turning your pastime into a profitable venture
  • How do you choose the perfect profession for you?
  • Should a student begin working while still in high school or college?


  • Describe the impact that technology has on today’s youngsters.
  • Demonstrate the reality of climate change.
  • Explain how a person’s environment influences their decision-making techniques.
  • The impact of friendship on one’s life
  • Ideas of society can benefit the homeless.


  • A player’s difficulties and challenges.
  • Describe rugby as a significant sport in the United States and how it differs from other sports.
  • Ideas for preparing for the first day and game of a sports team
  • What is it like to be a professional reserve player?
  • A step-by-step method to learning swimming

Tips On How To Write An Illustration Essay That Will Get You An A+ Grade

Knowing how to organize your illustration essay ideas is essential for producing a high-quality illustrative essay. You can provide an exceptional outcome if you follow our expert writing recommendations. 

Perform some brainstorming. When deciding on a topic or gathering examples, you may want to perform some brainstorming. The critical thing is that no concept is terrible. It would help if you used every aspect of your brain when you had an idea. You will better know what you want to write about if you jot down every thought that comes to mind. After all, your thoughts serve as the foundation for good writing. Therefore, brainstorming is a time saver.

Avoid questionable illustration subjects. The significance of topic selection has already been discussed. As a result, you should write about anything appropriate for arguments. You should be able to find enough information about the chosen topic.

Conduct extensive research. Now that you’ve decided on a topic for your essay, you should undertake extensive research to gather enough material. Even though your thesis is based on your personal experiences, you should still examine your past to find relevant instances. In other words, you must identify genuine points that will support the theme.

Sort through the data. You probably have enough to say in your illustration essay if you spend a lot of time thinking about the issue. Of course, because they have a detrimental impact on the context, not all of them can make it into the final draft of your article. You can strengthen your essay by selecting a few strong examples. The result will be more fascinating, engaging, and concise.

Use reliable sources. Although most illustration essays are personable, others rely on factual material. As a result, you should rely on trustworthy scientific and academic publications as a source of information. When you use untrustworthy sources, you risk losing valuable grade points. Using editable sources, such as Wikipedia, is terrible because anyone can change them. As a result, when selecting facts for your illustration essay, you should double-check their authenticity ahead of time.

illustration essay topics
illustration essay topics

Make each example explicit. Find measures to help you better illustrate the chosen topic. The more compelling your evidence, the more seriously the reader will take your perspective. This is what will ensure that your illustrative essay is academically sound. 

You will make each case sound more persuasive by utilizing strong language. Reading a report with ambiguous information and contradictory conclusions can irritate the reader. The importance and urgency of the assignment will gradually fade. 

However, successfully using evidence can be difficult. Try to gather relevant instances to ensure that they are related. As a result, the reader will never dispute the use or interpretation of any pictures you offer in your essay.

Concentrate on the intended audience. You should constantly put yourself in the reader’s shoes when writing an essay. What details would you like to see in the essay? Do you understand each example? Do you comprehend the descriptions in the essay? Before, during, and after the writing process, answer the questions honestly.

Before submitting your paper, revise it. Before submitting your illustration essay to the instructor, ensure it is grammatically, structurally, and contextually correct. As a result, proofread your essay several times to ensure that all errors are removed.


Importance Of an Illustration Essay 

To illustrate means to show or demonstrate something clearly. An excellent illustration essay, also known as an example essay, uses evidence to explain and support a thesis effectively.

A thesis is the central concept of an essay. A writer can support their thesis with various forms of proof. A writer can illustrate a thesis using scientific studies, specialists in a specific subject, statistics, historical events, current events, analogies, and personal tales.

Finally, you want the proof to assist the reader in “seeing” your point, much like a good magazine graphic or website graphic. The reader will consider your idea more clearly if your evidence is robust.

However, successfully using evidence can be difficult. The evidence you select will usually be determined by your subject and who your reader is (your audience). 

Remember the following when writing an illustration essay:

  • Use proof that is both topical and acceptable for your audience.
  • Determine how much proof you need to fully illustrate your point based on the intricacy of the subject and your audience’s expertise of that subject.

Here Are Three Different Types of Illustrations to Use:

1. The personal illustration essay; might be drawn from your own experience. For example, you could recount an incident from your personal history. You will explain how to cope with it in your essay.

2. The classic illustration is a generic example that many persons on the subject may address. For example, the situation could be discussed as something that happens to everyone.

3. The hypothetical illustration is a made-up example. For example, you could discuss the events leading to this predicament.

It would help if you adapted whatever graphic, you are about to utilize to your situation. In this manner, you can give the reader a more profound knowledge of the subject matter. As a result, your pictures must be relevant to your subject and audience. You can prioritize the evidence by moving from the least valuable to the most practical examples or from the least helpful to the least valuable ones.

Write My Illustration Essay for Me, please!

As you can see, creating illustration essays is not a difficult task. However, finding the right balance between its descriptive character and your personal experience may take some time. While you may not have the necessary skills to complete this job, you may use an illustration essay sample. However, it cannot ensure a favorable outcome.

Therefore, if you’re still having trouble figuring out something or running out of ideas, you can always ask for help at Protutor online writing services and order an essay. Our outstanding essay writers are eager to take on new projects. Fill out an order form, provide us with your topic, and set the timeframes, and you’re done.

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How To Write a Good essay Introduction

How To Write a Good Essay Introduction

How To Write a Good essay Introduction

The hardest aspect of any essay assignment may be writing a good introduction. A typical essay has an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion to make up its well-defined format. It seeks to introduce the key concepts and give your essay’s purpose. Additionally, a good introduction aids the writer in grabbing the reader’s interest. Making a strong first impression is easy when you get off to a good start.

Your paper’s introduction is the first paragraph. Your introduction should inform the reader about the paper’s topic and the arguments you plan to make on it. The aim of your paper is made clear to the reader by the thesis statement, which is part of the introduction. You can accomplish all these by shifting from a generic to a specific introduction.

Remember if you need essay writing services or any assignment writing service our online writing helpers are on standby.

Components Of a Perfect Essay Introduction

The first paragraph of a good introduction essay should generally be formatted as follows:

The opening sentence of the introduction is known as “the attention grabber”;

a few pertinent background details;

Your thesis statement, which outlines the points you’ll make in the supporting sentences;

A description of the “road map” you’ll use to support your thesis.

Having this understanding, we can now look at the step-by-step components that make a good introduction of your essay. 

The Essay Hook

Spend time crafting a strong hook because it sets the tone for the entire essay.

Avoid using lengthy, complex sentences; instead, begin with a short, concise, and intriguing phrase that will pique your reader’s interest.

The introduction should give the reader a feel of the subject you’re writing about and why it’s intriguing before they continue reading your essay. Avoid making generalized assertions or blatant pronouncements of fact.

You can start with by

  • Asking a question
  • Introducing a quotation
  • Telling a story
  • Or starting with a broad summary
  • A surprising fact or thought-provoking idea

However, if the essay you are writing is academic, then you don’t need to be too creative in your introduction. You can use an anecdote or a short story to start your essay. 

Always remember that a hook is meant to introduce an issue without disclosing too much information. This way, your reader is provoked to keep reading the paper so they can find out more.

A good introduction example of a hook is like this one below;

Although fifty percent of the population would agree that milk is the best beverage to pair with a cookie, that is not the case for everyone. A new study found that as many as 40 percent of people have a non-traditional pairing for their nighttime snack.

Provide Context

Give the reader background information as the following step in drafting your essay’s introduction. After reading this section, they will better understand the subject and the arguments you will present. Although a lot will depend on the topic and essay genre, there are a few different approaches to providing background information.  A good introduction example of giving background information is like this one below;

We can confidently say that our product is well received by buyers because our sales are up 25% and it has received more than 2,500 five-star reviews online. Our growth forecasts for the coming year are based on the data we’ve collected.

Knowledge and context are required to clarify why this issue is crucial and demands attention. Don’t provide too much information, though. For the essay’s body, save the most pertinent and fascinating information.

Declare Your Thesis Here

It’s time to focus more specifically and illustrate your points about the subject. This is your thesis statement—one or two sentences summarizing your entire position.

The key component of a good introduction is this. A strong thesis is a claim that calls for support and justification rather than merely being a statement of fact.

The objective is to effectively communicate your perspective in a discussion or your main point regarding a subject.

Create A Plan for Your Argument

You should also include an outline of the points you will be making further in longer essays. It is unnecessary for shorter works, though, as the introduction only needs to take up around 5% to 10% of the entire essay.

It’s also advised to compose this section after you’ve finished constructing your arguments. Although the reader reads the introduction first, remember that it does not necessarily have to be the first section you write.

How To Write a Good Essay Introduction

After understanding how to structure your introduction, it’s time to write it. 

Your opening sentence should be brief.

Concise sentences are great since they are simple to understand. Short, legible, digestible, and snappy sentences have absurd value.

However, writers frequently produce extended, jumbled sentences due to the pressure of their introduction. Long, jumbled sentences have the drawback of making readers work very hard. Especially at the beginning, readers don’t want to have to work hard to understand your post. Start your introduction with one or two concise sentences.

Don’t Say Something Typical

You’ve likely heard recommendations like “build a hook” and “get the reader’s interest.” But what precisely catches someone’s attention?

These common expressions mean mentioning something uncommon. You’ve done well if your opening sentence is peculiar enough to pique readers’ interest in what follows. You risk turning off potential readers if you begin with anything uninteresting or predictable.

Don’t Say the Title Again

Count on the reader having read the title. It doesn’t need to be written again. Instead, seize the opportunity to bolster that heading and establish the context for the remainder of the article.

Make Your Introduction Brief

The length of an introduction is a question that has no clear-cut solution. However, readers have limited attention spans, as the Slate survey informed us. They can’t wait to get to the important parts of the article. Don’t bury the information in your article; your readers are searching for it. Get to the point.

Put “You” In At Least One Sentence

The word “you” has a lot of influence. It communicates to the reader that you, the author, have them in mind when you write the piece. You care about them, empathize with them, and want your writing to be meaningful to them. It’s a straightforward technique that creates an important connection with your reader.

1-2 Sentences Should Be Devoted to Describing the Significance of The Article

Although it may be clear why the information in your post is vital to your readers, it might not be to them. Make it very apparent to them why they must understand the material you cover in your essay. You might persuade readers who might have abandoned your work to finish it.

You could be denying yourself prospective promoters, subscribers, leads, and even paying customers if you don’t write good introductions.

Mention A Potential Issue or Concern for Your Audience

It would be even better to incorporate a problem into the introduction. Everybody has their own set of issues in every sphere. As a result of the creation of your buyer personas, you should already have some listed. You’re more likely to find a sympathetic reader if you convey in your introduction that you are aware of such issues.

People want to find solutions to their problems, so they write articles that show them how to increase readership.

Use Caution When Recounting Tales

Many individuals will advise you to include a story in the introduction. Stories can be effective, but there are excellent and terrible ways to use them in your introduction.

Use storytelling to pique the reader’s interest and make them feel for her. But be careful not to overdo it and create a story that drags on and loses readers. Recall the advice to keep introductions brief. When telling a story, that still holds.

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To Emphasize a Point, Use A Statistic or Fact.

When beginning a news story, journalists frequently provide readers with eye-catching statistics or information about what is happening. A genuinely intriguing statistic or fact can grab the reader’s attention and convince them of the significance of your issue, whether you’re a blogger or another form of online writer.

Let’s take a good introduction example of a plumber writing a blog post about replacing pipes. You might attract more readers if you begin a piece by outlining how commonly old pipes burst in the winter. Readers may continue reading if they realize that this is a common nuisance that others experience to find out how to avoid it.

Introduction Key Points

Consider what kind of introduction might entice you to read the content the next time you compose an article beginning.

Would a lengthy, wordy opening line pique your interest? No. Yikes, is this how the remainder of the piece will be? You might be thinking. And leave the page quickly. What if the introduction example or question doesn’t relate to you? No, most likely not.

You need to read something interesting, original, and compelling to compel you to continue reading an article after the opening. You want to talk about your issues and yourself.

You want to position yourself so that reading the rest of the essay will help you resolve those issues and transform your life.

Let’s Help!

Writing excellent introductions takes time and effort because they are difficult. That is why our team of expert online writers is here to help you. You might need to revise them numerous times before you’re pleased in some cases. We offer cheap online writing services so you won’t have to go through tedious revisions. Remember that it’s all worthwhile if it keeps a few more readers interested.

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How To Write a Definition Essay Outline

How To Write a Definition Essay Outline

How To Write a Definition Essay Outline

Essays are among the most common sorts of assignments that students face at various stages of their education, but not all essays are the same in terms of complexity. Some essays are notoriously tough to write, while others have a reputation for being straightforward and enjoyable to work with.

A definition essay is among the most common complex essays assigned to high school and college students. It’s classified as complex because you are given one word and are expected to write a whole paper on it. This essay genre defines and explains a topic in literal and common language.

The definition essay assignment asks you to provide a personal yet academic definition of a single word. The definition essay outline must be comprehensive and extensive.

Therefore, you must select a word that will provide you with plenty of material to write about, and there are a few typical strategies you can use to enlarge the term. This article looks at how to write a definition essay, as explained by our team of expert online writers from Protutor services. But first, what is a definition essay?

Definition Essay
Definition Essay

What Is a Definition Essay?

The first step toward writing a convincing definition essay is learning what a definition essay is and what should be included in one. The definition essay‘s meaning is hidden in the name of this written assignment.

The definition essay‘s meaning is evident from the name itself. This is a style of essay that gives the viewer a thorough definition of the subject or object.

The definition argument essay is heavily influenced by the topic you select. Choosing a topic or theme based on facts and claims is not brilliant. Choose topics with multiple meanings and characteristics to discuss while writing this essay style.

A definition essay aims to present readers with a clear, concise, and scientifically supported definition of a specific word, phrase, or topic. Because of the nature of the definition essay structure, the length of a typical definition essay is only between half to a whole page.

But if you are asked to write a lengthy definition paper, you will have to approach your topic from different angles. Thus, the definition essay outline may require you to add several pages to your essay.

Argumentative Vs. Definition Essays

Definition and argumentative essays are the most prevalent forms of papers in modern schools. While they share certain similarities, they are two entirely different types of assignments and should not be mistaken.

An argumentative essay, like a definition essay, focuses on a single topic or subject. On the other hand, the writer’s job in an argumentative essay is to give several arguments supporting his own opinion in the correct one. The framework of a definition essay does not demand the writer’s perspective and instead requires him to offer only the facts that comprise the definition of the subject.

Definition Essay Types

Now that you know what a definition essay is, you could believe that this form of assignment is simple and is just one type, that is, the definition itself. But however, there are three types of definition essays that you should be aware of if you want to write a decent definition essay:

Definition Of Function

You will define how an object or process operates in this definition essay. This form of the definition essay is fascinating to the audience because it allows them to learn about the inner workings of something they have always understood but have never explored in depth.

Definition Of Structure

A structural definition essay aims to provide viewers with a comprehensive look at how a specific thing is constructed and which sections it comprises. It can be material or immaterial, but it must be related to the audience’s interests.

Definition Analytical

This is arguably the most challenging sort of definition essay because it demands you to not only look at the subject of your essay in great detail and explain it to the audience but also compare related issues and how it relates to them.

How To Approach the Definition Topic 

Once you have come up with or have been given a definition essay topic, you may find using the following approach helpful;

Analysis: Break the subject into sections and analyze each element separately and in its paragraph. For example, you can separate the word return to re-and turn or friendship to friend and ship. You will still need to employ other defining strategies, such as negation and classification, to investigate each piece of a term.

It should be noted that this strategy only works for words with numerous parts.

Classification: To which classes does the definition essay topic belong?

Comparison: Unusual objects can be identified by demonstrating how similar or dissimilar they are to ordinary things. Here a new or unusual concept can be conveyed using notions that the average person more easily understands.

Details; What traits and other identifying features describe the paper’s idea?

Negation: If a term is frequently abused or misunderstood, stating what it is not is a powerful technique to bring the concept to light.

Origins And Causes: What is the theme’s source? What is the historical context? What is the origin of the concept? You will be required to explain where the term originated from and where it derived its meaning.

Results, Effects, and Applications: Describe the subject’s aftereffects and applications.

How To Write a Definition Essay

Once you have grasped a definition essay, it’s time to start writing. Like any other type of essay, the definition essay outline has three parts the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Introduction of a Definition Essay

A decent technique to start your definition essay is a conventional brief definition from a dictionary, followed by an explanation of why this term does not provide a complete picture of the subject and why it needs to be researched further.

The definition essay introduction contains the following details:

  • The term’s conventional explanation or definition
  • Overview of the term’s origins or history
  • A thesis assertion

This essay’s introductory paragraph begins with the academic or dictionary definition of the term. The author summarizes the phrase, including its origin and historical context.

The thesis statement is delivered at the end of the introductory paragraph. A thesis statement is the main point of your essay.

Body Paragraphs of a Definition Essay

In the body of your definition essay, break the phrase down into its constituent pieces. Analyze the concept from several perspectives and provide an appropriate explanation. Depending on the subject of your work, more than three paragraphs may be required.

However, feel free to modify this style in any way that best matches your word since you can add extra paragraphs or swap the order around depending on the intricacy of your word.

You must include a full background of the object you are evaluating in the body of your definition essay, including its history, how it is depicted in relevant sources, and where it is most regularly utilized. Repeat these procedures for each word’s meaning if there is more than one.


The definition essay conclusion, like other essay styles, has the following elements:

  • A summary of the key points
  • Thesis statement restated
  • The discussion’s final verdict

The final paragraph should be just as compelling as the beginning. Include a summary of the essential elements in this area and a thesis statement explaining how it is proven.

Your objective in the conclusion of your definition essay is to concisely recap everything discussed in the paper without rewriting the introduction and body word for word. In your conclusion, you can include a more personal perspective on the subject and conclude the paper by encouraging the audience to undertake additional research on the subject to have a complete understanding.

Tips On Writing a ‘A+ Grade Definition Essay

We want to give you some pointers on what to do when you’ve finished your paper.

1. References. Please choose the most acceptable references and cite them as specified by your lecturer. If you do not follow these standards may result in you being accused of plagiarism, editing, and proofreading mistakes.

2. Remember to proofread your completed definition essay to ensure there are no typos. Checking your spelling and punctuation can significantly enhance your grade and keep it from slipping in the first place. After proofreading, you can make any modifications that will improve your essay.

3. Don’t forget to read your document aloud—your ears can detect faults your eyes may miss.

4. Sources. Remember that the quality of your definition essay is determined by the sources you use. Never choose sources that are unsuitable or do not appear to be intellectual. You appear unprofessional as a result of this receiving a worse grade overall.

5. Research. Once you’ve chosen reliable and academic sources, double-check that their study was done correctly. Use multiple dictionaries instead of just one to illustrate your terms from various angles. Combining a few decent dictionaries will provide a comprehensive image of the word and cover the entire range of semantic meanings.

6. Citations. It’s tempting to cite your definition essay word for word. However, you should avoid doing so because it would tire the reader from the start. It also demonstrates your incapacity to paraphrase and convey concepts in your own words, which may result in a bad score.

definition essay topics
definition essay topics

Topics For Definition Argument Essay

There are numerous topics for definition argument essays that we use daily. Many of them are apparent to practically everyone, but there is an amazing body of abstract or scientific terms that might spark debate. While we all know what a phone, TV, or dog is, some people may struggle to understand ideas like happiness, faith, love, or calmness. The following terms could be used as topics for your definition argument essay:

  • Laziness
  • Success
  • Family.
  • Social networking sites.
  • Weakness.
  • Individuality.
  • Ambition.
  • Independence.
  • Love
  • Religion
  • Christianity
  • Endurance
  • Love
  • Beauty
  • Morale
  • Both good and evil
  • Enlightenment
  • Happiness
  • Confidence
  • Intelligence

Post Writing Tips


Rewriting your definition essay gives you a chance to make your essay more exact and direct. The best approach to accelerate this process is to read aloud to yourself and make changes as you go. As a result, you will be able to notice faults and discover better ways to write your essay.

Edit and proofread your definition essay 

you need to Proofread and edit your definition essay thoroughly. This will assist you in checking for misspellings, grammar, punctuation, and typos. You can use our proofreading checklist to ensure that everything is included.

Formatting A particular assignment necessitates a specific formatting style. Examine the line spacing and font size. Use these essay-lengthening strategies if you’re almost done with your page count but need a few more lines.

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Let’s Help with Your Essay Writing Challenges

Most students will have no trouble producing a definition essay thanks to these definition essay topic examples and writing advice. However, there are times when you cannot finish the assignment on time. And that’s where our online helpers come in to assist.

If you’re in a rush, overwhelmed with other responsibilities, or can’t think of anything to write about, our top-rated essay writing service experts will help you present a captivating definition essay in no time! What’s more is that we offer cheap online essay writing services. Therefore, you don’t have to break the bank to get your work done.

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how to write a critical analysis essay

How To Write a Critical Analysis Essay

how to write a critical analysis essay

Critical analysis essays are also part of the papers you will be required to write as you pursue your higher education. You need to think critically about the subject matter that you will be writing about. Here your analytical and reflective skills are put into use since you will be required to critically analyze the information you will be writing about in a critical analysis essay.

Therefore, a critical analysis essay paper is a document that needs you as a student to make interpretations from your point of view.

One thing that has to be clear as you work on your critical analysis essay is that criticism is not always about telling the negative part of a given topic. You are required to write the advantages and disadvantages of the situation. This means you should give your reader all the information from both sides.

Protutor online helpers are here to help you know how to write a critical analysis essay. So if you are interested in cheap essay service our online writers are on stand by ready to help you!

What Is a Critical Essay? 

What is a critical analysis essay? A critical analysis is a style of writing that focuses on improving your analytical skills. Here you need to give a detailed examination and evaluation of another person’s ideas or work without being biased.

You may write a critical analysis essay to examine a piece of literature, film, tv program, a person’s academic report, or business process. A perfect critical analysis essay should evaluate the ideas in a balanced way giving both the pros and cons of the concept in question.

Apart from developing your critical thinking, a critical analysis essay also help you hone your language skills since the report can be presented orally, not only in writing.

This point if you are still not sure you can handle this essay writing, then Protutor online writers are here to help you come up with a critical analysis essay that will help you stand out from the rest.

How To Start a Critical Analysis Essay 

Now that you know what a critical analysis paper is, you are now wondering how to start a critical analysis essay. Writing a critical analysis essay is one of the most challenging parts. Therefore, it is essential to start a critical analysis essay that sets the right tone and benefits your audience, giving them an overall impression of your work. Here are the three most important things to remember when learning how to write a critical analysis essay;

Know The Author’s Thesis 

What is the author’s main idea in his writing? The writing may not formulate it; therefore, it’s up to you to identify and understand the author’s intentions for the work.

Outline Main Ideas 

The thesis is not the only idea in the literary work. Other main ideas build upon the thesis of his work. You should read and reread to identify these different ideas.

Evaluate the author’s main points

After you have identified the author’s thesis and supporting ideas, the next step is to evaluate these ideas to see if the author was successful in proving their thesis to the audience. Look at the supporting arguments and assess their effect on the paper’s success. Be keen to see if the author’s position can be easily seen from his thesis and ideas.

After you have evaluated the author’s ideas, it’s time to start writing your critical essay on the same. To execute this successfully, you must perform the following.

Choose a central argument. Your instructor may assign you a critical analysis topic or allow you to choose one. If so, choose one that intrigues you and learn everything about it. Also, make sure it’s not too challenging for you.

Gather information from reputable and trustworthy sources. Look up information about your topic. Also, be sure that you receive material from legitimate and reliable sources.

Create a thesis statement. Create a vital topic for your piece, which will help to distinguish it and make it stand out.

Create a critical analysis outline. In the outline, jot down the information you’ve gleaned from your research.

Complete your essay. When drafting your critical analysis essay, use your plan as a guide. Make sure that no extraneous material is included.

Come up with your viewpoint. Create an additional section where you give your personal opinion concerning the work you are writing about, avoiding pronouns like I or my”

Conclusion. After you finish the analysis essay, it’s time to wind up. Conclude the critical analysis essay by evaluating your findings briefly. Explain the importance of your results and point out what needs more research.

Recheck your work. Examine your appointment to confirm that it meets all of the standards. Also, ensure it has a smooth and systematic flow and is error-free.

Writing a Critical essay outline.

Having done numerous essays in your academics, you should know by now that a standard paper should have three essential parts. That is the introduction, summary, analysis, and conclusion.

Below is a detailed explanation of how to execute the critical analysis essay outline effectively.


This is the part in which you introduce your audience to the work you are evaluating and express your thoughts about it. It should define the original creator’s goal or thesis statement and the primary concepts before concluding with your thesis statement. You also state all the other details about the work you are analyzing, including publishing information and how the audience received the work.

Most critical analysis openers should be three or four sentences long, but longer critical analyses may require many pages. Ensure that your introduction is fascinating to capture your audience’s attention and persuade them to continue listening to or reading your critical analysis. Then in the last sentence, make known your thesis statement. Make sure it does not resemble the author’s thesis.


When writing a critical analysis easy, a summary is not a conclusion of what you are evaluating. Still, it is a list in brief of all the events, characters, and ideas captured in the author’s work. Ensure that your readers get a clear picture of the work you are writing about, so they don’t get confused with the remaining part of your paper.


The analysis is the most crucial part of your critical analysis essay. This part may take several paragraphs, and just like the body paragraphs in standard essays, you will dedicate each paragraph to a different idea, all supporting your thesis statement.

At this point, you are allowed to voice your opinion; whether positive or negative, do not hold back.

If you are analyzing an author’s work, keep the following in mind:

  • The writer’s credibility
  • The emotional effect of the writing
  • The way the author implemented logic in his writing
  • All the ideas in your analysis should be backed up with evidence. It can come from the author’s work or other sources.


After the introduction, summary, and  analysis of your critical analysis essays, it’s time to conclude. Do not provide any new information in the conclusion instead. It would be best if you summarized the thesis and other ideas that make up your essay.

Examples Of Critical Analysis Essay Topics

Here are some of the best critical analysis essays;

  • Video games and children
  • Work and the laptop
  • Politicians who are women.
  • Athletes and hipsters.
  • Racism is prevalent throughout society.
  • College sports.
  • The television and our minds.
  • Is it better to accept a problem or find a solution?
  • Accepting your physical look.
  • Is marketing a method of selling a product?
  • Do stereotypes apply to everyone?
  • Is it necessary to have principles?
  • Why do firms spend millions of dollars on product advertising?
  • Strategies for retail establishments
  • Why does fashion make its own rules?
  • Fashion and its impact on the next generation
  • One person has the power to alter the world.
  • Is technology destroying society?
  • Genetics and its mysteries
  • Why do we enjoy TV shows so much?
  • How do you break harmful habits? What is its purpose?
  • Is it true that alcohol usually causes problems?
  • The styles are a blend.

Critical Thinking Essay Questions

These questions are supposed to help you think critically. That way, you can tackle your paper from all critical angles.

Some of the questions that will set your mind into critical thinking are as stated below:

  • What factors have influenced a particular decision
  • What is the starting point of X?
  • How has X transformed Y?
  • Why do you think this is true?
  • What can I recommend?
  • What is the value and importance of what you are writing about?

Tips For Writing a High-Quality Critical Analysis Essay

Using tried-and-true writing styles can improve your critical analysis. To develop your critical analysis skills, include the following suggestions in your writing practices:

  • Make cross-references in your outline. Referring to your outline while writing allows you to stay focused and cover the points you intended.
  • Transitional words and phrases should be used. Transitional words and phrases such as “therefore” and “in addition” help your sentences and paragraphs flow and connect themes.
  • Be succinct. Work concisely improves the clarity and persuasiveness of your writing.
  • Write using logic. Your critical assessments should be organized logically, with ideas flowing freely.

Write My Essay!

To this point, you must be in a position to write a critical analysis essay without a hitch. But if for any reason you are not able to write the essay, call on us at Protector essay services. Our experts in essay writing are ready to help you with cheap essay writing services so you can concentrate on other important matters of your school work.

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