Guide on how to write the MLA heading

Guide on how to write the MLA heading

How to perfectly write the MLA heading and the MLA puerilities

Amongst many students in many colleges and universities around the globe, they can actually be able to tell the difference between the MLA headings by just looking at the first page of the MLA paper. This is because one is able to see the student’s first Name and the Name of the professor, followed by the Name of the cause and, lastly, the date. Below is an example of an MLA heading:

Steve M. John

Professor Lincoln

Physics 2030

9 November 2023

Above is an example of the details that are available in the MLA heading.

MLA is a short form of the Modern Language Association. Unless instructed otherwise by your instructor or professor, the MLA heading is supposed to be the same as the above example. There is no additional information to be added. This is supposed to be applied at all times unless the professor gives additional information to be used in the paper. The MLA heading at all times is supposed to be on the first page of your work. The MLA heading contains the Name of the student, the Name of the professor and the course name, and then lastly, the due date. On the other hand, an MLA header only contains the student’s last Name and the page number at the top right corner of the page. Unlike the common MLA header that is placed at the top right Conner of the page, the MLA heading is placed at the top left corner of the page. It appears on all pages.

Below is an example from a paper header in the MLA; take, for instance, that we took it from the fourth page.

 This is how an MLA header is supposed to look like.

John 4

How can we use the MLA heading in google docs and in MS word?

Take, for instance, that you are using Microsoft Word, as it often seems to some people adding an MLA heading is not that challenging. Let us begin with the running header that is usually at the top:

Steps to follow

  • Step 1

The insert tab, click it

  • Step 2

Click the page number,

Click at the top of the page

Then pick the right alignment

  • Step 3

Add your last Name then you add the page number by clicking the header and adding the info.

  • Step 4

Double-check the size and the font.

The font is supposed to be Times New Roman at all times

The font size is 12 point

Then at this point, you are supposed to add any other information that the professor instructed you to add. The information is supposed to be added in the manner that you were instructed. Though this is going to be against the MLA rules but if instructed, you may add your full Name.

When we are talking about the MLA heading, here we mean that you are supposed to add plain text, and this, at times, does not require any specificity in accordance with the MS formatting rules.

Know that you have the steps to follow in order to create an MLA heading in MS Word. It is time to train ourselves on how we are going to create an MLA heading in Google Docs by use of the MLA style guide. Currently, students that use mac often do the following:

  • Step 1

Click ‘insert’

  • Step 2

At the header section, the page number moves to this point

  • Step 3

There is a tiny arrow that is visible in this section, then click it by use of the mouse and click on the header part.

  • Step 4

Just like as we did in MS word, use the right alignment

  • Step 5

When you have already seen the right alignment button click on it and insert the page number

  • Step 6

In accordance with the page number that you want to insert, type your last Name and add the page number.

  • Step 7

Know set the font size that you want to use in your paper.

When you are creating an MLA header, you should be very careful so that you do not make any mistakes as you are typing the required information.

Basic rules when writing an MLA heading

At times the MLA format requires students to include a running header. The running header is supposed to always have the last Name of the writer. This is supposed to be aligned at the top right corner of the first page. It should be ½ inch in place, as referred to as placement. The main aim of the MLA header is to keep the reader on track with the page number that they are reading. This is because when one is reading a piece that is lengthy, they tend to get confused about which page they have reached after taking a reading break and as they are trying to resume.

Below is a format of the MLA header template:

  • The Last Name of the author and the page number


  • The writer’s full Name
  • The Last Name of the professor and the professor
  • The course name and also the course number
  • The due date

Below is a detailed example of an MLA header

  • Maxwell k. Steven
  • Dr. John
  • SOC 669
  • 12 May 2023

Know that you have the information on how to write an MLA heading, it is now time to do some practice.

Are you still struggling with how correctly create an MLA heading? Our professional writers at can do all the work for you. You just need to place your order, and we are going to format your MLA heading.

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how to format an APA title page

Guide on how to format an APA title page

In all APA writings, a title page is a requirement. The main aim of writing a title page when writing in the APA format is to present the title. Your APA title page is supposed to be effectively and correctly written, thus presenting the title of the paper. This is just but the beginning of the APA title page requirements. When one is writing an APA title page, this is the first opportunity that the writer is awarded for communicating with the reader.

When it comes to writing an APA title page for learners, this is an opportunity for the learner to tell the class he/she is in, the name of the instructor, and also give the institutional affiliation. On the other hand, when it comes to matters relating to the APA title page that is written by professional writers, this is usually a chance for the professional writers to present a conflict or information that is in relation to the main topic at hand.

When writing an APA title page, the APA usually advises two formats through which you can write your APA title page. In the two APA title page formats, one is distinguished to be used by the students, and obviously, the other is to be applied by professional writers. In this article, we are going to talk about the two APA title page formats and also give their differences. Our professional writers are also going to give examples that will help you to have a better understanding of the two.

In this article, we are going to provide information in regard to the 7th APA publication manual edition. In sections 2.1 and also section 2.8, you are going to find information that talks more about the APA title page.

Below are some of the things that we are going to talk about in this article:

Student’s APA title page and the professional APA title page – the differences.

In the professional APA title page and in the students’ APA title page both require the author’s name and the title of the paper. In both of the APA title pages types, include a 1-inch indentation all around and at the top right corner indicate a page number.

The main difference between the professional APA title page and the student’s APA title page is that in the professional title page, here, the author’s note is required and also the running head. On the other hand, some of these elements may be made a requirement by the professor when writing a student’s APA title page. Internalizing and understanding both of the APA title page formats and also telling their difference is something that is good and important to a student because you will never get confused by the two APA title page formats.

Let us know to start with the student’s APA title page.

Student’s APA title page

For any APA paper, the thesis is the basic thing to note when one is writing any type of APA title in any work to be submitted, either for a class assignment or work for any other purpose. Below are some of the main things that you are required to include in your student’s APA title page

  • Your paper’s title
  • The author
  • The institutional affiliation
  • The number and name of the course
  • The professor’s name
  • The DATE
  • Lastly, the page number

Before you write any information on your title page, you are supposed to look at the instruction given by your professor because, in some instances, the professor may require you to add some information when you are formatting your APA title page.

The Professional APA title page

When writing a professional APA title page, one is required to skip two things the date and the class information.

However, even the without including the two elements mentioned above, the below information is supposed to be included:

  • The title page
  • The author’s info
  • The organizational affiliation
  • The authors note
  • At the top, the Running head
  • The page number

Now that you know the difference between the two. Let us now dive deeper into the APA title page.

Elements present in the APA title page

In APA title page, below is more detailed information on each of the sections of the APA title page.

  • The Title

In this section of the APA title page, the author is required to both engage and inform the reader. This is the reason as to why the Title of an APA title page is important. The title of an APA paper is supposed to be written through the use of fewer words to avoid being wordy.

For your title to be effective, it has to fulfill the following:

  • Properly explain to the reader your paper’s main topic
  • Engage the reader
  • Explain theoretical issues and relevant examples.

At all times, when writing an APA paper title page, you are supposed to write it three to four lines from the paper’s top margin. The title is supposed to be typed in bold. It should be paged-centered.

  • The author/ byline

The name of the writer is supposed to be written as follows:

The first name, the middle initial, and the last name.

When writing the name of the writer, one is supposed to keep off and avoid any mistaken identity. Every year, tons and tons of papers are published. This increases the probability of someone else having a similar surname as you do.

When writing the name of the author, all the digress and licenses are omitted.

For example, Ph.D.…Professors…RN…  Dr and others are not to be included when writing the author’s name.

Some papers may have more than one author. Thus when listing their names, this is supposed to be carried out as follows:

1st author’s first name, middle initial & 2nd author’s first name, the middle initial and the last name

Example: Maxwell K. Benjamin & Jackson M. Cassandra

  • Affiliation

In this section, you are supposed to name the place where the work was conducted. In this section, you can also mention the person that worked on the paper. However, this section is always filled with organization. It may be a university, college, or any other organization. For different authors, there are different affiliations. This may be the case for one author, who can have different associations.

  • Academic affiliations

These affiliations may include colleges, universities, and other learning institutions. The teaching hospitals can also be added to this list. In this section of affiliation, you are supposed to add the department in specific, then this is followed by the institution’s name, and this information is supposed to be on the same line. The institution’s location is supposed to be added last in this line, but it is not a must to include the location.

Below is just an example of how an academic affiliation is supposed to look like:

Department of engineering, Nairobi University

  • Non-academic affiliations

When one is refereeing to as non-academic, this indicates that this organization does not relate to a learning institution. When it comes to writing about a non-academic institution, here you are supposed to write the division or the department, then it is followed by the name, and lastly, the location. When writing or typing the above elements, they are supposed to be separated by the use of commas.

Below is an example of how to write a non-academic organization.

Vident health, Evergreen, South Africa

  • Name and Course number

Just as the name and course number appear on the university materials, use the names exactly as they are.


  • PSYC 2206: research methodology
  • ENG 309: Modern Language Literature
  • Instructor name

When writing an APA title page, indicating the name of the professor is very important. When you are naming his academic levels, e.g., the multiple degrees he/she has, you are not supposed to be making assumptions and guessing.

Use other learning materials like a timetable and his official name used in his office to see how your professor’s name is labeled. You may even ask the professor for guidance.

  • The DUE date

Write the Day, Month, and Year in the due date section.

  • The page number

At the topmost right corner of your paper, this is where you are supposed to place the page number. The page number is supposed to be visible on every page of your work.

  • The author’s note

The author’s note is only applied only, in professional papers. In this section, the author gives more information, conflicts, disclaimers, and information that pertains to funding. If the author has more additional information to give, this can lead to having an author’s note. The author’s note is usually lengthy in size.

The author’s note includes the following sections:

  • The scientific authors’ ID
  • Affiliation changes
  • Acknowledgments and disclosures
  • Information contact.
  • The Running Head

 A running head is, at most times, applied when one is writing a paper that can be given for publication. This is a short form of your paper title that is going to help the readers identify the title. The running head is not only on the APA page title but also on the rest of the pages in the paper.

Below is an example:


  • APA page title

In this section of this article, we are going to look at examples of APA page titles, how they should look and how they can be easily typed.

Let us start with the professional APA title page formatting.

Student APA title page formatting

Student APA title page formatting

APA title page formatting
  • APA title page formatting confusion

When writing a paper in APA, you should make it a requirement to always format the APA title page properly. Make sure that all the required information is provided.

How to effortlessly format your APA title page

At protutorservices, we offer quality formatting services. Our professional writer’s team has written tons and tons of academic essays. Thus our writers have APA title page formatting experience. Contact us at, and we will format your paper.

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how to cite a website in APA format

Guide on how to cite a website in APA format

In this article, we are going to discuss we are going to discuss on to properly cite a website in APA format.

How to cite a website in APA format

When you writing your research, and you come across a website that is credible and provides the necessary information that you need, then the next step you need to take is to create an APA citation and thus have an APA citation reference list. At times you might find it easy to use an APA citation machine to help you in this task when citing a website in APA forma. The websites may be: an online article, an online blog, a government website, and other websites that are available online. When one is citing a website in APA format, you will need to keep a record of the websites (source) so that you can be organized in your work. When you want to cite a website in APA format, you must have the URL of the website. Search for the website and it as easy as that. This is going to help you identify the source that you want to cite correctly.

Below is a structure of how to cite a website in APA format.

Structure of how to cite a website in APA format:

last & first name’s initial. The date published (YY/MM/DD). The website’s page title. The website’s name. The URL

Example of how to cite a website in APA format

Maxwell, K. (2013, October). Fear is more dangerous than fear itself. URL (COPY-PASTE THE URL)

When writing essay and cite a website in APA format, you should always keep at the back of your mind the structure above. If the online source does not fulfill the above structure, then you can use the website’s format. Take, for instance, that you are looking for a YouTube video. You are supposed to type “YouTube video” section. And if you want to cite a newspaper that is from an online source, then you can refer to it as “online newspaper.”

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 Learn more on the pros and cons of how to cite a website in APA

Social media

Sometimes when one is writing a research paper, we at times need to cite the information we found in social media. The post’s text is supposed to be capitalized. The text maybe form: hashtags, emoji’s and other texts. If possible, they must be capitalized. Also, the links that are in the text are also supposed to be capitalized.

Facebook at times can be a good source of information, thus learning how to cite a Facebook post is essential element.

Facebook posts:

When presenting information you found in Facebook posts, below is a structure that you should use:

The user’s Facebook last name, and the date the post was made (YY/MM/DD). The 1st twenty words of the post. (The source of the post) this applies if on the post the source was attached then (type of post) the URL

Twitter post:


The last of the account owner, (the twitter handle). The date of the post (YY/MM/DD). The 1st twenty words of the post (if any the attached source) (tweet). The twitter URL.

Below is a good example of how to cite a twitter post in APA format:

How to cite Intsgram posts in APA format:


The last name and the 1st name’s initial of the owner of the account. (IG. Handles). The date of the post (YY/MM/DD). The 1st twenty words of the post. (The Video or the photograph)

Example of how to cite an intagram post in APA format:

Maxwell, M. [@max_0162]. (2019, December 10). Fear is more dangerous than danger itself. [Video]. Instagram. Https://www.intagram….

How to cite a website effortlessly

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best words to start a paragraph


Lack of good ideas is not the main cause of failure, but the implementation of these ideas is the main thing that brings the difference between failure and success. Most of the time in our daily lives, we often think a lot about the next big thing. What we do not often think about is the availability of the big thing and what impact the big thing is going to cause in our lives. We do not often think of how the “big thing” is going to define us. This also applies when it comes to the authors. In most cases, the most successful writers are always having great stories and impactful arguments that they want to write about. These arguments and stories make us get stuck at the point of how we are going to start writing them. This is now where protutorservices professional writer team comes in handy. We present to you the “how to start a paragraph.” 

The first thing that you should know about is how to start a paragraph, this is going to lead to how you are going to start writing the great and awesome ideas that are in your head.

In this article, we are going to discuss how to start a paragraph. We are going to discuss the pros and cons of how paragraphs can be made effective and how they can add to your score in your academic papers. Stick around till the end of the article and learn how to start a paragraph, write a paragraph and conclude a paragraph like an expert.

Paragraph starter writing help

If you are searching for the proper and correct words to begin your paragraph as you are writing your essay or the correct words to conclude the paragraphs of your essay. In this article, we will take you through the step-by-step procedure through which you are going to successfully write your paragraphs and thus communicate your ideas in a clear manner. There are a lots of effective ways that you can start a paragraph. The different ways are to be simultaneously used in order to produce an effective, winning essay.

Below are the main types of words that are used to successfully start a paragraph

  • Through the use of the synonyms of however

Take, for instance, if a writer uses the word ‘however’ in their work, they will get a penny for each ‘however’ word they would use. Then in the entire globe, privately owned islands would be in short because every writer would have his own island. On the other hand, this cannot happen, and thus let us look at other paragraph starters synonyms of the word,

  • However
  • Nonetheless
  • Despite this
  • Nevertheless
  • Alternatively

These are just but a few examples that can be used as paragraph starters.

  • Through the use of adverbs as paragraph starters

As it is said, lots of anything is unhealthy and not recommendable. In a sentence, the ‘ly’ words can very fast get overwhelming. On the other hand, if the ‘ly’ words are used at the start of a paragraph. Take, for instance, ‘consequently’ as a good transitional word. The word conversely gives way to presenting two counterarguments. The main thing that you should know is that you should at least use two ‘ly’ words in each paragraph.

Different words to start a paragraph

As a student, you may be asking yourself how you are going to start a paragraph effectively when writing your essay. In each paragraph, the beginning of it sets the tone of the essay. In this section, you are going to have to know more about the ‘w’ words. These words are why, who, where, and what. The following are the ways through which you can use the different paragraph starters to develop a good essay:

  1. Use the transitional words to make your essay more effective
  2. Use the paragraph starters to present the subject-verb structure
  3. Use the paragraph starters to transition your ideas correctly
  4. Use the sentence structure to change your writing for spoken language

List the most effective paragraph starters

  • Views on
  •  The central theme
  • Emphasize are
  • This essay discusses

In a paragraph that portrays the contrast

Below are some of the best transitional words to place as paragraph starters

  • Still
  • However
  • Instead
  • Comparatively
  • Otherwise
  • On the contrary
  • Never the less
  • Besides
  • Different from
  • On the other hand
  • Whereas
  • Other than
  • Outside of
  • On contrary

Adding information to the body paragraphs paragraph starters

  • Again
  • Moreover
  • Additional
  • Again
  • Not only
  • Whereas
  • Likewise
  • Couple with
  • Similarly
  • Corresponding
  • Furthermore
  • Identically

Show cause paragraph starters

  • Ordinarily
  • Singularly
  • Otherwise
  • Particularly
  • Unquestionably
  • Consequently
  • Generally speaking
  • Undoubtedly
  • For the most part
  • As a result
  • Hence
  • In this situation
  • Ordinarily
  • Otherwise

Emphasis paragraphs starters

  • Chiefly
  • Certainly
  • Above all
  • Certainly
  • As a rule
  • Granted

Paragraph starter for sentences that are rare

  • A few
  • Rarely
  • Uncommonly
  • Not many
  • Seldom

Common ideas paragraph

  • Many
  • Numerous
  • Almost all
  • Most
  • Usually
  • More than
  • Several
  • Usually
  • The majority
  • Mostly

Top paragraph starters inclusive topics

  • Several
  • Numerous
  • Many
  • The majority
  • Mostly
  • Several
  • Almost all
  • More than
  • Usually

Paragraph starters

  • Maybe
  • Debatably
  • Perhaps
  • There is limited evidence
  • For the lack of evidence

Paragraph starters in sentences that show evidence

  • Effectively
  • Hence
  • Apparently
  • After examining
  • The convergence
  • The relationship
  • Subsequently
  • It can be seen
  • As a result
  • Considerably
  • Predictably
  • Therefore
  • The result
  • The connection
  • With regard to

Background focus, paragraph starters

  • Formerly
  • Initially
  • Up until now
  • Over time
  • Historical
  • Originally
  • Earlier
  • In the past
  • The traditional interpretation
  • Formerly
  • Conventionally
  • Prior to this

Paragraph starters to show someone Else’s evidence

  • As explained by
  • With regard to
  • As stated by
  • Based on the ideas of
  • According to
  • As demonstrated
  • As disputed by
  • As mentioned  by

Paragraph starters to use in conclusion sections

  • Obviously
  • In conclusion
  • Overall
  • Thus
  • As expressed
  • Lastly
  • As a result
  • In essence
  • To sum up
  • By and large
  • In any case
  • In other words
  • All things considered

Tips and tricks on how to choose paragraph starters

There are tons and tons of starter words that one can choose to use as your paragraph starter. The ways that one can know if a paragraph starter is impactful and effective. Below are some of the things that you should consider before beginning to pick your paragraph starter words.

  1. You should put in mind how the paragraphs will transition from one to the other in a soft manner.
  2. Always put at the back of your mind what the previous paragraph was talking about, so that you do not repeat your points.
  3. Always have the appropriate paragraph starters that will help you in the transition from one paragraph to another.
  4. Immediately after using a paragraph starter, use a comma where necessary.
  5. Avoid reusing the same transitional word many times in the same paragraph and in the same essay.

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Complete guide on how to create an MLA title page

If you are writing an academic research paper, you must write the essay in MLA format using the 9th edition. Then the inclusion of the title page in accordance with the MLA format is something that will be required. The title page in the MLA style is always required. In this article, we will discuss how to write a title page of a paper in MLA format. We are also going to speak on the rules that one is required to follow when using the MLA writing format.

In this article, you will find all the necessary information you require to successfully write your paper in MLA format. The MLA format is one of the most exciting styles that most students and successful scholars enjoy using when writing their academic works. Below is a list of things that protutorservices professional writers have presented to you:

  • Heading of the title page vs. of the title page
  • The cover and the title page
  • The MLA heading used on the first page

The MLA first page heading VS. The first page

The full name of MLA is the Modern Language Association. This association has come to a consensus that a title page is not necessary and is not required. However, your instructor, your teacher, or even the reader, may make the title page a requirement for your work. In accordance with this requirement, in this article, we are going to talk about how a title page and the MLA heading and how they differ. protutorservices professional writers are also going to present information on which to use between the two, the MLA heading or the title page. In the MLA citation format, it may look a little bit different from other citation styles like the APA citation style.

Let us take a closer look at the TITLE PAGE

Title Page

Before we look at how to write the title page, we need to familiarize ourselves with the meaning of the words title page. A title page is also known as a cover page. The title page is usually a single page. This single page at all times appears before the MLA abstract. If in your research paper essay, the MLA abstract is a requirement, then you are supposed to place the cover page before the MLA abstract. The additional section of the essay that the cover page is supposed to appear before is the content that your paper presents. In simpler words, the title page is supposed to appear as the first thing in your paper.

The main aim of a research paper title page is to in a quick manner show the reader information about your paper. It also introduces your paper to the reader.

The title page is comprised of the following:

  1. The title
  2. The name of the writer ( the author’s name)
  3. The date written
  4. The information on the course.

The title page does not include any information that pertains to the research paper itself.

The MLA heading

The first page of the paper is recommended by the MLA format to be the MLA heading. Just like the title page, the MLA heading contains the same information. The only difference is that the information that is in the MLA heading is edited differently from that of the title page.

If not given additional information by your professor, the below information shows how exactly you should format the first page of your paper.

MLA headingMLA title page
MLA recommendedThere are no instructions that are official
At this section  the title of the paper,  the name of the author, And the information about the course.The title of the paper The name of the writer Information about the course USU  
The paper’s major text appears after the MLA heading on page 1The page’s information is all the above. Nothing more, nothing less

Cover page VS. The Title Page

When writing a paper in MLA format, before you begin, the gathering of essential information is something that one is supposed to do.

Below are some of the things that you will need to include.

You must include

  • The name of your institution
  • Your paper title
  • If you have one, the subtitle of your paper
  • You 1st name
  • The name of the professor
  • The course number or the class number
  • Date

MLA formatting guidelines

The formatting guidelines are provided to you by protutorservices professional writers.

  • Space must always be doubled
  • The text must be centered
  • The fount – Time New Roman
  • The font size – 12
  • Necessary important words to be capitalized
  • The page number on the title page is not necessary, and it is not a requirement.

Formatting a paper for the first time might be a little challenging. Below are some steps that you should follow so that you can effectively write your paper.

  1. First thing at the top, write the name of your institution
  2. Skip 2/3 of your paper
  3. Type the title of your 1st page
  4. After the paper title, write the subtitle of your paper if you have any.
  5. Skip to the last 3rd of your 1st page
  6. Write your name
  7. Then the number of your course
  8. The name of your professor
  9. The date DD/MM/YY

Below is a visual, practical aid that will enable you to have a better understanding of what we are talking about.

The MLA heading (1st page)

In most cases, the instructor may give instructions on how the 1st page of the paper should be written. In this case, the learner is supposed to use the instructions given by the instructor to come up with the required heading. On the other hand, you will be required to use the MLA heading format on your first page.

Note that:

Only when the instructor recommends a different title is when you can create one. If not instructed to create your own title page, then you should not create one. You should always follow the MLA guidelines to create a title page unless instructed otherwise. You won’t need an MLA heading if you create a title page but at all times, ask the professor for information in relation to the requirements.

Things that you need

When creating the MLA heading, you are going to include the same information, just like on the title page. But the information must be edited in a certain manner.

The information includes:

  • Your name
  • The name of the instructor
  • The number of the course
  • The DATE

The above information is needed when formatting your MLA heading

The guidelines to follow when formatting the MLA heading

Below are some guidelines to follow when writing the MLA heading

  • The space between the lines must be doubled
  • For the MLA header, left-justified
  • The title must be at the center
  • For the page number, it is always supposed to be, Right-justified
  • The font – Times New Roman
  • The font size – 12 

For beginners, writing an MLA heading might be challenging, protutorservices professional writers team has gathered all the necessary steps that will help you in creating a successful MLA heading.

Step-by-step procedure

  1. 1st to the left top side corner, type  your name
  2. The name of the professor
  3. The name of the course
  4. The date. DD/MM/YY
  5. Switch to the centered text and write

The title

Then the subtitle

  • On the header, switch to the right-justified and write the header
  • Expect the title page number and the rest of the pages in numerical. They should also contain your last name
  • Always follow instructions from your professor.

Below is a visual aid that will help you see what we are talking about. It is going to help you have a better understanding of the guidelines and the steps to be followed.

If you still have challenges on how to format your paper, contact protutor services professional writers, and we will lend a helping hand. Our professional writers have written tons and tons of essays. Thus they have got enough academic essay-writing experience. You can also place a ‘write my essay order, and we can do all the formatting work for you, and even better, our professional writers’ team can start your essay from scratch and present a winning essay to you.

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APA research paper outline

How to Write an APA research paper outline

In this article, we are going to discuss on APA research paper outline. We are going to take a closer look at how to format your research paper in APA and the APA research paper outline.

Below are some of the topics discussed in this article:

  • The reason why a research paper is important?
  • What is the primary function of a research paper?
  • APA outline
  • APA format that is basic
  • APA format template

Tricks and tips for APA research paper outline

When one is formatting a paper for the first time in the APA format, it may tend to be a challenging task. APA is the abbreviation of the American Psychology Association. This association has provided all writers with universal rules to follow when writing their social sciences papers and their project papers. In the APA format, the main section of this format is the paper layout, and lastly, the reference list is on the last page. Before writing a paper in APA format, it is important to first create an outline that you are going to follow. When formatting research in APA format creating an APA research paper outline is one of the easiest tasks to handle.

Why is a research paper format so important?

When writing a research paper, the structure of the research paper, the format of the research paper, and the sequence of the research paper are some of the things that help the reader to concentrate on the paper. People often assume that the content of the paper is the primary element that helps the reader to focus on the paper rather paper’s outlook. When writing a research paper, whether you are constructing it as a class assignment or publication, the paper format rules must be followed. The APA format is flexible, and this is because it can be applied when creating a website, a poster, or a presentation. The requirement is to be at all times be followed, and the work must be arranged accordingly. When you are writing in the APA format, you can use different line spacing and font sizes. When formatting a research paper, you are not only supposed to follow the APA rules but also the additional rules provided by your instructor or professor.

Why is a research paper important?

When one is writing a short essay that does not have an outline, this becomes very easy, but when you are crafting and composing, take, for instance, a 10000-word essay without an outline. It would definitely be a challenging task. When formatting this kind of work, you provide a table of content that, in most cases, will tend to be one important element when writing lengthy works. The table of content will give the page number, thus showing where to find each subtopic or topic in long, lengthy works of literature.

The main purpose of a research paper outline

When supporting your point of view, an outline is created. Through the outline, you can now fully express your arguments. When one is writing a paper, one expands on what you are familiar with. When getting certain accurate information about a topic, then we often use academic papers to do analysis. An academic APA research paper outline will always serve the following purposes:

  • Divide the work given to students into portions that are manageable and easy to handle
  • The main components of the studies.
  • Correcting the Structural gaps and faults is made possible through the APA research paper outline.
  • The APA research paper outline gives way to linking the thesis statement to the ideas presented in your research paper.

Below is an example that indicates how the APA research paper outline gives comprehensive details and information about the paper’s main topic.

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APA research paper outline example

The APA research paper outline example presented above is going to help you visualize on how to format the layout properly. The research paper outline is also going to help you to be consistent and keep your APA research paper outline organized.

Understanding APA outline format.

When one is writing an outline, we would consider that there is no basic format to follow when creating an APA research paper outline. There are no particular rules that are meant for creating an outline. However, there are some things that you are supposed to consider when you are creating an APA research paper outline. These elements are font size, type face, the margins, and also structure.

APA research paper outline example

The final look of your APA research paper outline depends on the instructor’s additional rules that will be provided to you. These rules, together with APA citing format, will basically create the final look of your APA research paper outline. Following some of the rules that are common and standard is advisable.

Below are the basic rules:

  1. Font

When writing in the APA format, the font is supposed to be at all times, Times New Roman. The font is acceptable in the APA format. And the Times New Roman font is supposed to be 12-point. On the other hand, other fonts like Arial, sans serif, Georgia, and serif fonts are acceptable in 11-pt font size.

  • Numerals

The headlines use Arabic and Roman numerical when creating an outline

  • Subheading and heading

When using the APA format to write your essay, there are standards that are often used in outline headings utilizing:

I – the heading that are main are numbered by numerical in roman, e.g., IV, II, I, III

A – Capital letters are used when numbering subheadings, e.g., A, B, D, C

1 – Still in the subheading, the roman numerical often used in APA outline examples 1, 2, 3, 4…

a – after the Arabic number numerical, lower-case letters are applied example, a, d, c, b…

[1] – after the subheading, use numbers that are in parenthesis

  • Margins

In the APA format, each paper is offered with a standard layout

For example:

  1. 1-inch all round: on left, right, bottom and top
  2. The page number is to be placed at the top right corner.
  3. Structure

An APA research paper outline structure is made up of three sections:

The three sections are:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
  3. The conclusion

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In this section of a research paper outline, one is supposed to give the main topic’s background information. 


In each point that you have presented in your body paragraphs, you are also required to back up the points by use of factual and credible information.

The conclusion

In this section of an APA research paper outline, you are supposed to summarize the key points and, without adding any new information, explain the concepts that lead you to take your stance and give a call in action.

In an APA research paper outline, there are common formats that one is supposed to follow. These formats are usually three in number. We have compiled the three formats in order for us to have a good and better understanding of these formats. You can take advantage of the below examples to come up with a complete and effective APA research paper structure but make sure that you do not get busted due to plagiarism.

Basic APA research paper outline format

The basic APA research paper outline format usually has three sections. The three main sections are. The heading, followed by the subheading, and if applicable and necessary further subheading. The three main sections have representations that are named in numerical form. Below is a basic APA outline format that will help you visualize what we are trying to explain. The format example below will also help you to grasp on how the basic APA outline format is written.

For more information on how to format your paper in the APA format, visit

Template breakdown of the APA research paper outline

When one is numbering the APA style format, there are five heading levels that in each, one is supposed to use alphabets that are different?

Below is an example of how to number the APA research paper outline.

I –use the Roman numeral when writing the headings I, II, III

1 – For subheading and heading, use the Arabic numerals 1, 4, 2

A – Use uppercase alphabets example, A, C, B, E

a – for further heading, apply the lower case alphabets, for example, a, c, e, d

[1] – heading below the fifth level, use numerals in parentheses example, [2], [1], [3], [5].

APA research paper outline format for full sentences

Every line is supposed to be written in a proper sentence, just as the name implies, full sentence research paper outline style. The full-sentence style format is often acceptable in speeches and essays. Then full sentence format provides your work with a flow that is usually logical

APA research paper outline example

I –use the Roman numerals when writing the headings: I, II, III

1 – For subheading and heading, use the Arabic numerals: 1, 4, 2

A – Use uppercase alphabets example: A, C, B, E

A – For further heading, apply the lower case alphabets, for example, a, c, e, d

[1] – headings that are below the fifth level, use numerals in parentheses example, [2], [1], [3], [5].

The above are examples of how to write the APA research paper outline in full-sentence format.

The APA sentence format often utilizes the use of roman numerical I, III, II. In this format, each and every heading is supposed to be written in full sentences. For full sentences, you have to be keen as you are supposed to fully write what the context below is about. Choose phrases that will directly express your points.

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Example of an APA research paper outline format

  1. Introduction
  2. Full-sentence outline, what is it?
  3. One line in every point should be written in a sentence form
  4. This indicates that each line is written in full sentences
  5. In each line, write only one sentence.
  6. For an essay or a speech, the sentences are best applicable in these sections.
  7. This may be a report or an essay.
  8. This is going to help you to visualize the points in your speech
  9. The reasons why we are supposed to use an  outline
  10. It gives you a chance to organize your points
  11. Gives you the content in the paper in a logical manner
  12. The main body
  13. The main point-statement
  14. The second point
  15. Give back up to the main point through the use of facts, materials
  16. Give further backup information if there is more
  17. More back up
  18. The supporting information, use it
  19. The supporting information, use it
  20. The second point
  21. Provide backup information to the second main point
  22. Additional backup information
  23. Add  more backup information if there is any
  24. Use facts and statists to show your stance
  25. Provide more support
  26. The conclusion 

Outline format for decimals

In the APA research paper outline, the decimal format, compared to other formats, is quite different. In the APA research paper outline, the decimal format is quite simple to master. The APA research paper in decimal format also has three sections, the conclusion, the body, and the introduction.

In simpler terms, the APA research paper outline in decimal format is made up of three main paragraphs:

The first paragraph: thesis and the Hook

  • Here you introduce the main point with just a sentence or two in the first paragraph.
  • The next step is to give an introduction to your subject in the context of further research, if applicable
  • Give an explanation as to why the topic is important
  • Create a thesis statement that is in your whole essay

The body

  • The first step in the main body of an APA research paper is to give back up to the thesis statement.
  • The next step is to support you back up information by use of evidence
  • You are supposed to give information, providing factual information that is from credible sources and also give an in-text citation also from credible sources of information.
  • In the body, you are supposed to add as many supporting sentences as possible. You are also supposed to give as much evidence as possible.

The conclusion

In this section, the main aim is to give backup and support to the claims that you included in your essay and give a call-in-action or a remark

Below is an APA research paper outline decimal example

  1. the heading, supposed to be the main heading
    1. under the main heading, the subheading
    1. the subheadings that are under the heading, thus the second digit
      1. for further subheadings in decimal format
      1. number the heading in accordance with the paragraphs and the number of paragraphs

The simplest method that you can use on how to recall the APA decimal outline is to keep in mind the structure, for example:

  1. When writing this, remember that it is the paragraphs sentence of a heading

The layout of the decimal APA format:

  1. the heading (main heading)
    1. the first heading and the first paragraph
    1. the second heading and the second paragraph

1.2.1 The second paragraph’s first point

2.0 The second

2.1 The first paragraph and the second heading

2.2 The second paragraph and the second heading

2.2.1 The second paragraph, the second heading, the first point, or the first sentence

3.0 The working decimal

3.1 remember at all times that each segment is represented by a digit

3.2 The number placement becomes easy to remember

3.2.1 The heading is represented by the first digit

3.2.2 Under the man heading’s a paragraph, the second digit is represented

3.2.3 Any sentence in a paragraph is represented by the third digit

How to organize your ideas in an APA research paper outline

When writing an essay without an outline, this may seem like an easy task, but as soon as you begin the writing process, you start facing some challenges along the way. You may have very good ideas, but it becomes quite a difficult task to express them properly as you are writing your story or essay. You are going to lose track if you do not create an outline or a simple guide that you can follow as you are writing your essay. A good and properly written outline often comes in handy as it helps one to maintain and improve the quality of a paper. The first thing to do when writing your paper is to create an outline. This often makes the writing process an easy task that one can easily handle. Below are some of the tips that you should consider as you are writing your APA research paper outline. Additionally, these tips are going to help you to polish your paper. The tips are also going to enable you to create an outstanding research paper.

A definite goal

So that you can express yourself better, you are supposed to make a list of the most important points. The main aim of your paper is supposed to be measurable and specific. If you will be covering on a topic that is too broad, archiving your main objective is going to be a challenging task. When writing any type of essay, the topic should not be too broad, neither should it be too narrow. The main aim of your essay and the points presented should be on point.

Avoid redundancy  

After making an outline, look at the unnecessary points that you want to add to your essay. When you are writing your essay, make sure that you are specific and conscience. Keep off from adding information that is not providing backup to your essay’s main point. Remove any unnecessary information, like speculation, from your writing. This will make your essay look credible.

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Harvard Formatting and Style Guide

Harvard Formatting and Style Guide

Harvard Formatting and Style Guide

Apart from just writing essays in your academics, there are writing formats that you are required to use to present your work. One of the formatting styles is the Harvard style. It’s a refreshing known as the author-date style. Meaning that as you write, you put more emphasis on the writer of the information and date of publication as you list your references. In this article, our team of experts will give you a comprehensive guide on how to write your essay and format it in Harvard style.

Remember, our team of online writers is here to help you with all your essay-writing challenges.

Harvard Formatting and Style Guide
Harvard Formatting and Style Guide


Harvard Style Instructions

A Harvard-style paper follows a particular and organized format. Unlike the argumentative essay, the Harvard essay format has a specific title page, and the following are the main instructions to ensure that your essay is well formatted.

  • Place the essay’s title halfway down the page, and it should be written in capital letters.
  • Count three lines down and write the author’s name in small letters
  • Four lines down are where you put the class name
  • One line down, put the name of your professor
  • On the following line, you will write the name of the school
  • And then the city and state should be in the following line
  • Finally, you write the date on the following line.

In summary, the cover page of a Harvard essay should give you all the information you need to know about the author.

Also, when adopting the Harvard format, there are several crucial components to remember. In a Harvard essay structure, the title is justified to the right. Between it, a partial title describes the essay’s main idea, and the page number is exactly five spaces.    

Harvard Essay Structure

The Harvard essay, like other essays, has a structure you need to follow to get it right. Let’s look at how you must arrange your paper in Harvard style.

Cover Page

A Harvard-style essay necessitates an exact cover page. It’s about halfway down the page.

The paper’s title is in all capital letters. This is followed by the writer’s name, which is not written in capital letters. Move four lines down and then write the title of the class and then the professor’s name on the following line. The school’s name appears on the following line.

The location is followed by the city, state, and date.

The Header

In the header of a Harvard essay, you will write the title of the paper you are tackling. For example, “The Ugandan Presidency.” Remember to include the page number, for example;

                                                                                                                                                                               Presidency 1

Note that the title is on the right side of the page, unlike the typical left or center.

It is a partial title stating the main idea of the essay

Between the title and the page number, there are five spaces. Use the space bar to get the five spaces correct.

In MS WORD, go to the top of any page in the document and double-click to get the header.

A blue dotted line with a little box in the lower left-hand corner will appear.

It should read “Header,” and your cursor will be above this.

There will also be A drop-down box almost immediately where you will click on the page number.

Follow the instructions in the “Page Number” box. Select the first option, “Top of Page.”

Then select “Plain Number 3,” a number that corresponds to the page you are on will be displayed on the right side of the header. The cursor is now on the number’s left side.

Enter your partial title, then press the space bar five times.

After you have done all these, you now click anywhere on the page, and your header is set.

Harvard Essay Style
Harvard Essay Style

 you can also read a comprehensive APA Format style guide.

Paragraphs In Harvard Essay Style

When working with Harvard-style paragraphs, pay close attention. Establishing a correct text organization is critical, making the initial paragraph engaging and instructive. It’s also good to start the paragraph with a gripping quotation. In general, it saves the information that allows you to figure out what the essay paper is about.

The introduction is both captivating and assists the reader in getting closer to the paper’s primary concept, its thesis sentence. Remember that a thesis statement always conveys the core idea of the entire piece.

The first sentence of the body paragraph should inform the reader about the paragraph’s topic. The topic statement is followed by facts that support it. The supporting sentences can include facts, quotations, or analysis.

The paragraph then closes with a sentence that summarizes the paragraph’s topic and quickly transitions into the next part. The italicized subheadings can also be used to introduce new subtopics.

The Transition Between Paragraphs in Harvard Formatting Style

When writing an essay in Harvard format, the transition from one paragraph to the next should be shown, and these paragraphs should be interconnected.

The discussion should progress from one point to the next. A paragraph in Harvard format is divided into three parts:

  • The subject sentence
  • Additional information
  • Sentence form for closing

Citations In Harvard Essay Formatting Style

In Harvard essay citations, it is advised that you use in-text citations. Here you write the author’s name and initials, year of publication, and the page number where the text is found.

Making sure to cite facts and ideas from other people without proper attribution might be considered plagiarism. In-text citations, for example, from J. Page 45 of J.K. Rowling’s 2004 book (Rowling J.K,2004,45). These quotes make the Harvard format essay easy to read and comprehend.

Harvard style uses a standard font size 12 of either Times New Roman or Arial. Because the Harvard format is meant to write extraordinary academic and research writings, fancy fonts are not permitted. The essay should be double-spaced and have clean left margins. In-text citations to journals, newspapers, books, or websites in Harvard format are italicized, whereas poems and short tales are put in “quotation marks.” This lets readers immediately understand what they are referring to when reading an essay prepared in Harvard format.

Concluding A Harvard-Style Essay 

The conclusion is an essential component of any Harvard-style essay. It is critical to compose it correctly and to provide exciting opinions and recommendations. The first line in the conclusion should reveal the fundamental thesis and remind the reader of the main topic of the entire research.

Note down the main results of the research with proven facts with recommendations.

In other words, it is primarily a synopsis of the article’s essential points. The essay should conclude with a powerful message that leaves the reader pondering for several minutes or hours after reading the piece.

The conclusion is followed by the reference page, which includes a reference list and is located on the reference page.

Harvard Style Essay Example

Because different information is relevant for different sources, reference list entries vary by source type. The most often used source kinds are formatted and illustrated below.

Print Journal

Format example: Adamson, P. (2019) ‘American history at the foreign office: Exporting the silent epic Western’, Film History, 31(2), pp. 32–59. doi:10.2979/filmhistory.31.2.02.

Online Article or Blog

Format example: Leafstedt, E. (2020) ‘Russia’s constitutional reform and Putin’s plans for a legacy of stability’, OxPol, 29 January. Available at: (Accessed: 13 February 2020).

Book Chapter

Format example: Greenblatt, S. (2010) ‘The traces of Shakespeare’s life’, in De Grazia, M. and Wells, S. (eds.) The new Cambridge companion to Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–14.

References List Examples

On this last page of your essay, you list down all the sources where you have cited your essay from.

For example

Goldacre, B. (2008b) Trivial Disputes. Bad Science. Weblog. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 19th June 2008].

 Henderson, J. (2005) Google Scholar: A source for clinicians? Canadian Medical Association Journal, 172 (12), 1549-1550.

Holding, M. Y., Saulino, M. F., Overton, E. A., Kornbluth, I. D. & Freedman, M. K. (2008) Interventions in Chronic Pain Management. 1. Update on Important Definitions in Pain Management. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89 (3, Supplement 1), S38-S40.

Pears, R. & Shields, G. (2008) Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. 3rd ed. Durham, Pear Tree Books.

Ramalho, R., Helffrich, G., Schmidt, D.N. & Vance, D. (2010) Tracers of uplift and subsidence in the Cape Verde archipelago. Journal of the Geological Society. [Online] 167 (3), 519-538. Available from: doi:10.1144/0016-76492009-056 [Accessed: 14th June 2010].

Smith, A. (2004) Making mathematics count: the report of Professor Adrian Smith’s inquiry into post-14 mathematics education. London, The Stationery Office.

Van Alphen, K., Voorst, Q. V. T., Kekkert, M. P. & Smits, R.E.H.M. (2007) Societal acceptance of carbon capture and storage technologies. Energy Policy, 35 (8), 4368-4380.

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